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Jason Goldstein

Research Director

Period of Service

2016 to present


207-646-1555 ext 136

Dr. Jason Goldstein leads the Wells Reserve research program. He is also an assistant professor at York County Community College and affiliate faculty at the University of New Hampshire School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering.

Jason holds a Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire, an M.S. in Marine Ecology from Old Dominion University, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusetts. In addition to being a one-time Graduate Research Fellow at the Great Bay Reserve, he was a Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Haifa, Israel.

Curriculum Vita (January 2024)


* Publications with students

Gutzler, B.C., S. Jury, J.S. Goldstein, and W.H. Watson III. 2023. A novel method for quantifying the attractiveness of lobster trap baits. Fisheries Research. 267: 106815.

Watson, W.H., S.H. Jury, B.C. Gutzler, T.C. Lippmann, J.G. Choi, J.T. Carloni, and J.S. Goldstein. 2023. How might climate change affect American lobsters? Frontiers for Young Minds. 11:1031267. doi: 10.3389/frym.2023.1031267.

Goldstein, J.S., E. Spanier. 2023. Increasing seawater temperatures in the Levantine basin, eastern Mediterranean may elicit increased activity in slipper lobsters, Scyllarides latus (Latreille, 1803) (Decapoda: Achelata: Scyllaridae). J. Crustacean Biology. 42: 1-8.

Goldstein, J.S., K.A. Zarrella Smith*, and T.L. Pugh. 2022. Recent declines in American lobster fecundity in southern New England: drivers and implications. ICES J. Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsac083. | Download PDF

Zarrella-Smith, K.A.*, J.N. Woodall*, A. Ryan*, N.B. Furey, and J.S. Goldstein. 2022. Seasonal estuarine movements of green crabs revealed by acoustic telemetry. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 681: 129-143. | Download PDF

Dorrance, A.N.*, J.S. Goldstein, J.T. Carloni, B.C. Gutzler, and W.H. Watson III. 2021. Sublethal behavioral and physiological effects of claw removal on Jonah Crabs (Cancer borealis). J. Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology. 545: 151642. | Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., Carloni, J.T. 2021. Assessing the implications of live claw removal on Jonah crab (Cancer borealis), an emerging fishery in the northwest Atlantic. Fisheries Research 243 (2021) 106046. | Download PDF

Crane, L.C., Goldstein, J.S., Thomas, D.W., Rexroth, K.S., Watts, A.W. 2021. Effects of life stage on eDNA detection of the invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in estuarine systems. Ecological Indicators 124:107412. Read Online | Download PDF

Goldstein, J., Spanier, E. 2020. Potential effects of elevated temperature on seasonal movements in slipper lobsters, Scyllarides latus (Latreille, 1803), in the eastern Mediterranean. Mediterranean Marine Science, 21(2), 482-492. | Download PDF

Moore, E.M., Langley, T.G., Goldstein, J.S., Watson III, W.H. 2020. American Lobster, Homarus americanus, reproduction and recruitment in a New England estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. | Download PDF

Furbeck, M.E., Pollock, L.W., Miller, J.W., Goldstein, J.S. 2019. Presence of postflexion spotfin butterflyfish, Chaetodon ocellatus (Chaetodontidae), in a southern Maine estuary, Gulf of Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 26(4):52-55. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., Matsuda, H., Matthews, T.R., Abe, F., Yamakawa, T. 2019. Development in culture of larval spotted spiny lobster Panulirus guttatus (Latrielle, 1804) (Decapoda: Achelata: Palinuridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 39(5):574-581. doi:10.1093/jcbiol/ruz055. Download PDF (10MB)

Wasson, K., Raposa, K., Almeida, M., Beheshti, K., Crooks, J.A., Deck, A., Dix, N., Garvey, C., Goldstein, J., Johnson, D.S., Lerberg, S., Marcum, P., Peter, C., Puckett, B., Schmitt, J., Smith, E., St. Laurent, K., Swanson, K., Tyrrell, M., Guy, R. 2019. Pattern and scale: Evaluating generalities in crab distributions and marsh dynamics from small plots to a national scale. Ecology 100(10):pp. Download PDF

Raposa, K.B., Goldstein, J.S., Grimes, K.W., Mora, J., Stacey, P.E., McKinney, R.A. 2019. A comparative assessment of salt marsh crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) across the National Estuarine Research Reserves in New England, USA. Journal of Crustacean Biology. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S. and W.H. Watson III. 2019. Biochemical changes throughout early- and middle-stages of embryogenesis in lobsters (Homarus americanus) under different thermal regimes. PeerJ 7:e6952 Download PDF

Lavalli, K.L., C.N. Malcom, and J.S. Goldstein. 2018. Description of pereiopod setae of Scyllarid lobsters, Scyllarides aequinoctialis, S. latus, and S. nodifer, with observations on the feeding during consumption of bivalves and gastropods. Bulletin of Marine Science. 94: 571-601. Download PDF

Jury, S.H., T.G. Langley, B.C. Gutzler, J.S. Goldstein, and W.H. Watson III. 2018. Monitoring the behavior of freely moving lobsters with accelerometers. Bulletin of Marine Science. 94: 533553. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S. and J.D. Shields. 2018. Bait-subsidized diets and their effects on ovigerous American lobsters (Homarus americanus). Aquaculture International. doi 10.1007/s10499-018-0285-8. Download PDF

Clark, A.S., S.H. Jury, J.S. Goldstein, T.G. Langley, and W.H. Watson III. 2018. Underwater video surveillance of American lobsters (Homarus americanus) to understand saturation levels in lobster traps. Fishery Bulletin. 116: 161-170. Download PDF

Watson, W.H. III, J.S. Goldstein, E.M. Morrissey, H.A. Cole, and T.L. Pugh. 2017. Evidence of mating by sexually immature female American lobsters Homarus americanus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) (Decapoda: Nephropidae). J. Crustacean Biology. 37: 2-6. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., E.M. Morrissey*, E.D. Moretti*, and W.H. Watson III. 2017. A comparison of the distribution and abundance of European green crabs and American lobsters in Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire, USA. Fisheries Research. 189: 10-17. Download PDF

Canto-Garc?a, A.A.*, J.S. Goldstein, E. Sosa-Cordero, and L. Carrillo. 2016. Abundance and spatial distribution of Panulirus spp. phyllosomas off the coast of the Mexican Caribbean. Bulletin of Marine Science. 92: 207-227. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., and W.H. Watson III. 2015a. Seasonal movements of American lobsters in southern Gulf of Maine coastal waters: Patterns, environmental triggers, and implications for larval release. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 524: 197-211. doi: 10.3354/meps11192. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., and W.H. Watson III. 2015b. Quantifying the influence of natural inshore and offshore thermal regimes on egg development in the North American lobster, Homarus americanus. Biological Bulletin. 228: 1-12. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., E.A. Dubofsky, and E. Spanier. 2015. Into a rhythm: Diel activity patterns and behavior in Mediterranean slipper lobsters, Scyllarides latus. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv008. Download PDF

Spanier, E., K.L. Lavalli, J.S. Goldstein, and 14 other co-authors. 2015. A concise review of lobster utilization by worldwide human populations from prehistory to the modern era. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv066. Download PDF

Clark, A.S., S.H. Jury, J.S. Goldstein, T.G. Langley, and W.H. Watson. 2015. A comparison of American lobster size structure and abundance using standard and ventless traps. Fisheries Research. 167: 243-251. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., T.L. Pugh*, E.A. Dubofsky*, K.L. Lavalli, M. Clancy, and W.H. Watson. 2014. A non-invasive method for in-situ determination of mating success in female American lobsters (Homarus americanus). J. Visualized Experiments. 84: e50498. doi:10.3791/50498. Download PDF

Pugh, T., J.S. Goldstein, K. Lavalli, M. Clancy and W.H. Watson III. 2013. At-sea determination of female American lobster (Homarus americanus) mating activity: Patterns vs. expectations. Fisheries Research. 147: 327-337. Download PDF

Johnson, K.J.*, J.S. Goldstein and W.H. Watson III. 2011. Two methods for determining the fertility status in early-stage American lobster, Homarus americanus, eggs. J. Crustacean Biology. 31: 693-700. Download PDF

Butler, M.J. IV, C.B. Paris, J.S. Goldstein, H. Matsuda and R.K. Cowen. 2011. Behavior constrains the dispersal of long-lived spiny lobster larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 422: 223237.

Goldstein, J.S. and B. Nelson*. 2011. Application of a gelatinous zooplankton tank for the mass production of larval Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. Aquatic Living Resources. 24: 45-51. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S. and M.J. Butler IV. 2009. Behavioral enhancement of onshore transport by postlarval Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus). Limnology and Oceanography. 54: 1669-1678. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S., H. Matsuda, T. Takenouchi and M.J. Butler IV. 2008. The complete development of larval Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) in culture. Journal Crustacean Biology. 28: 306-327. Download PDF

Tlusty, M., A. Kim, E. Malkin*, J.S. Goldstein, D. Fiore* and M. Koneval*. 2008. Microecological impacts of global warming on crustaceans temperature induced shifts in the distribution of larval release in American lobsters. Journal Shellfish Research. 27: 443-447. Download PDF

Matsuda, H., T. Takenouchi and J.S. Goldstein. 2006. The complete larval development of the pronghorn spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus (Decapoda, Palinuridae) in culture. Journal Crustacean Biology. 26: 579-600. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S. 2006. Connecting the Dots in the Caribbean: An overview and directed approach for long-term spiny lobster puerulus settlement studies. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. 57: 833-845. Download PDF

Tlusty, M.T., D.R. Fiore* and J.S. Goldstein. 2005. Formulated diets as replacements for Artemia in the rearing of juvenile American lobsters (Homarus americanus). Journal Aquaculture. 250: 781-795. Download PDF

Tlusty, M.T., J.S. Goldstein and D.R. Fiore*. 2005. Hatchery performance of early benthic juvenile American lobsters (Homarus americanus) fed enriched frozen adult Artemia diets. Journal Aquaculture Nutrition. 11: 191-200. Download PDF

Goldstein, J.S. and M.F. Tlusty. 2003. Substrate determinants and development rate of claw asymmetry in American lobsters, Homarus americanus. Journal Crustacean Biology. 23: 890-896. Download PDF

Book Chapters

Jury, S., C. Chabot, J. Goldstein, and S. Harzsch. 2024. Sensory Biology and Behaviour. In: Ecophysiology of the European Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) and Related Species. D. Weihrauch and I. McGaw, Eds. Academic Press.

Goldstein, J.S. 2013. Lobster Migration. In: Encyclopedia of Estuaries, M.J. Kennish (ed.). Springer Pub., New York.

Film Media

Goldstein, J.S., H. Matsuda, and T. Takenouchi. 2014. Film production and contribution, 'Metamorphosis: The Science of Change'. BBC Film Series (D. Briggs, Director).

Recent Research Grants

2024-2026 Maine Sea Grant (NOAA). Evaluating the northward range expansion of the blue crab through monitoring and collaborative capacity building. $139,780 (Role: Primary Investigator)

2023-2024 National Estuarine Research Reserve Science Collaborative (NOAA). Testing low-cost, ultra-portable, CO2 and CH4 sensors for better monitoring of salt marsh ecosystem services, resilience, and restoration. $200,000 (Role: Co-Investigator)

2023-2024 Lenfest Ocean Program. Bringing indigenous science into climate-ready management of marine protected areas: A network pilot from the Northeastern United States. $390,618 (Role: Co-Investigator)

2023-2024 Maine Climate Action Initiative-Broad Reach Fund. Maine ocean climate collaboratives tech team pilot: Technological & quality assurance advancements towards ocean acidification monitoring. $255,000 (Role: Co-Investigator)

2022-2024 NY-CT Sea Grant. 20-year retrospective review of American lobster research. $15,000 (Role: Primary Investigator)

2022-2023 Casco Bay Estuary Partnership Community Grant. Training Community Scientists to Monitor Blue Crabs in Casco Bay. $5,000 (Role: Co-Investigator)

2021-2023 National Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative (NOAA). Connecting the Dots: Environmental drivers of egg production and stability in ovigerous American lobsters in the Gulf of Maine. $203,000 (Role: Primary Investigator).

2021-2023 National Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative (NOAA). The influence of season and temperature on the distribution and abundance of juvenile lobsters assessed via traditional ventless and novel early benthic phase traps. $265,000 (Role: Co-

2020-2022 NOAA NMFS S-K Fisheries Grant. Expanding a New England green crab pilot fishery by providing a molt detection assay and identifying seasonal aggregations for harvest. $261,000 (Role: Primary Investigator).

2020-2021 John Sage Foundation. Evidence of microplastic ingestion by adult and juvenile lobsters  A pilot study. $10,000 (Role: Primary Investigator).

2020-2024 NASA (CubeSat Launch Initiative). MESAT1: Maines First CubeSat. $522,000 (Role: Scientific Advisor).

2020-2021 NOAA-OCM (315 Competition). Improvements to regional monitoring networks and assessment of coastal ocean acidification through the lens of four New England estuaries. $50,000 (Role: Primary Investigator).

2019-2021 National Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative (NOAA). The potential influence of increased water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine on the distribution of female American lobsters and the impacts of these distribution shifts on larval recruitment. $250,000 (Role: Primary Investigator).

2018-2020 New Hampshire Sea Grant (NOAA). Evaluating growth & sustainable harvesting practices for Jonah crabs in New England waters. $124,000 (Role: Co-Investigator).

2018-2019 National Estuarine Research Reserve Collaborative Catalyst Grant (NOAA). Synthesizing NERR Sentinel Site data to improve coastal wetland management across New England. $105,000 (Role: Co-Investigator).

2019-2021 Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative. Warming waters, female lobster movements, and inshore larval recruitment. $249,387 (Principal Investigator) View Project

2018-2020 New Hampshire Sea Grant (NOAA). Evaluating growth & sustainable harvesting practices for Jonah crabs in New England waters. $124,000 (Co-Investigator).

2018-2019 Maine Space Grant Consortium (NASA). Student designed nanosatellites and sensor packages for observations of remote environments. $20,148 (Co-Investigator).

2017-2019 National Estuarine Research Reserve Science Collaborative Grant (NOAA). New technology for old problems: Using DNA methods to monitor invasive species and biodiversity in estuarine systems. $496,000 (Co-Investigator).

2016-2018 Saltonstall-Kennedy (NOAA) Fisheries Grant. Can climate change induce reproductive failure in American lobster? Case study of a collapsed stock. $227,000 (Co-Investigator).

2017-2018 Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund (MOHF). Strategies to improve sea-run brown trout stock enhancement in York County, Maine. $30,000 (Co-Investigator).

2017-2018 Maine Space Grant Consortium (NASA). Developing a sensor-based platform for evaluating climate change in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. $22,000 (Primary Investigator).

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