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Watermark Newsletter

A periodical newsletter for members and supporters


Fall 2023

e pluribus laudholm, Heron, Invasives Removal, Marine Invaders, Education Assessment, This Land: Volunteers, Great Photos Wanted

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Spring 2023

Discovery, Apple Trees Revealed, Smelt Brook Surveyed, York River Forever Wild, SWMP Summarized, Blue Crab Rediscovered

This issue was mailed to members and supporters on June 23.

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Fall 2022

The Kids are Alright, Our Kind of People, The Wind Blows, Climate Ready Coast, Crab Blood Color Scale, Garage Repair

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Summer 2022

Blue Crabs, Volunteer Profiles, Mount A to the Sea, Photovoice Project, Mosquitoes, Maine's First CubeSat

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Fall 2021

Pondering a Past, Crustacean Compendium, New Art in "Changing Landscapes" Exhibit, Cottontail Release, New Mainers at Camp

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