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Update: The reserve will be opening at 10am on Wednesday, February 19. Delayed opening due to severe wind and blowing snow. Thanks for your understanding!

Jeremy Miller

Research Associate

Period of Service

2004 to present


207-646-1555 ext 122

Jeremy's main focus is to coordinate the System Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP), which focuses on long-term monitoring of water quality, nutrient, and weather data within the estuaries of the reserve. He also oversees the ichthyoplankton (larval fish) monitoring project, which looks at the distribution and diversity of larval fishes in our estuary. Jeremy manages the research lab and assists with a number of projects and outreach efforts of the Wells Reserve.

Jeremy moved to Maine in 1999 to attend college at the University of New England in Biddeford, where he received his bachelor's degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Marine Biology. He started at the Wells Reserve as an intern in the summer of 2003, working on a number of projects ranging from the effects of trawling on benthic habitats to energy transfer in salt marsh food webs. He came on board full time in 2004. Jeremy lives in Buxton with his wife Sarah, son Lucas, and daughter Camille.

What is your choice of mascot for Wells Reserve and why?

My choice of mascot for the Wells Reserve would have to be the common salt marsh minnow, better know as a mummichog or Fundulus heteroclitus. They are certainly abundant in our system and lend themselves to easy capture and study... plus the kids love them!

What is your favorite place at Wells Reserve?

My favorite place on the Wells Reserve would have to be out in the field on the Little River Marsh. Most of our visitors only get to see this expanse of undisturbed meadow marsh and its meandering creeks from overlooks and trails. This is due to the fragile nature of the salt marsh surface and its susceptibility to trampling. My monitoring often brings me out to this secluded and most peaceful setting and it's there where I remember why I decided to pursue my career and what it is we are trying to protect.

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