Liv is the Resilience Training Coordinator for the Coastal Training Program. Her work supports the development and implementation of the Resilience Training Academy as part of Maine’s Climate Resilience Regional Challenge Grant, as well as other training initiatives at the Reserve.
Liv first fell in love with Maine in 2021 when she spent the summer working as an Environmental Educator at the Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership. One year later, she moved to Islesboro, an island in Penobscot Bay, where she worked as an Island Institute Fellow assisting on a municipal sea level rise adaptation project and curating exhibits for the lighthouse museum.
After completing her fellowship in 2024 and reluctantly moving to the mainland, Liv continued supporting community resilience efforts in Maine as the Communications Coordinator for Sunrise Ecologic.
She holds a BA in Environmental Analysis and English Creative Writing from Pitzer College in Southern California, where she grew interested in science communication and education. In her free time, Liv keeps busy skiing, hiking, or biking down whatever trail makes sense at the time.
While her heart lives in the waters and woods of coastal Maine, her roots are in the high desert hills of Santa Fe, New Mexico, a place that she will always call home.