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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Another Stellar Kayaking Season!

Posted by | November 1, 2017 | Filed under: Program Activities

With its eighth season on the horizon for 2018, the Reserve's kayaking program continues its popularity with visitors. Through fifteen public programs, we were able to provide a first-hand, water-level experience of the Little River Estuary to seventy-five people this year. I've completed my annual compilation of program evaluations and 2017 continues the trend of glowing feedback from participants! When asked to rate the program on a scale of 1-5, 95% of respondents rated the program as a "5" (with one of those actually doing a write-in of "6"), with the remaining 5% providing a rating of "4." One hundred percent would recommend the program to a friend.

Below is a Wordle I created to visually depict evaluation results for the question, "What one word or phrase would you use to describe your experience?" The larger the word in the Wordle, the more people who had that response.

Sending a huge thank you out to my fellow dedicated kayak guides, and to all of the enthusiastic paddlers who chose the Wells Reserve as their destination this year. Without each of you, this program would not be the success that it is!