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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Earth Week Highlights

Posted by | April 25, 2014

Music, fun, education, & stewardship converged during April school vacation week at the Reserve! Roughly 150 people celebrated Earth Day with us on Tuesday, families learned lots from whale enthusiast Tony Viehmann on Wednesday, and an excited group of day campers explored vernal pools on Thursday.

Lisa Judd came with her kids on Earth Day and had this to say:

The Earth Day function was fantastic! The kids had a?great time with all the activities and walked through every tide pool on the beach. They ended the day soaked and smiling! Perfect!

Lots more programming for children, families, and adults is on the horizon for the spring and summer!

Photos (below):

  1. Matt Loosigan of Earth Jams sings to the crowd
  2. Parachute fun on the lawn
  3. Giving the Earth a hug
  4. Walking to Laudholm Beach for the beach clean-up
  5. Tony Viehmann with narwhal whale tusk tooth
  6. Learning whale anatomy with a clam shell toss
  7. Searching for stream critters
  8. Dressing up like a water critter
  9. Making friends with a Spring Azure butterfly

Matt Loosiganparachute funEarth hugWalking to beachNarwhal tuskWhale anatomyStream critter searchHuckAzure

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