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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

First-time Kayaker had a Blast

Posted by Wells Reserve Contributor | August 11, 2015

Getting ready to go kayakingEarly this summer our 12-year-old granddaughter from Ohio visited us here in Wells. We had heard about the reserves kayaking program and hoped she might be interested in trying it. We could sense a bit of trepidation on her part as she had never been in a kayak and would not know anyone in the group.

We met the others on a sunny morning in front of the barn and were greeted by the smiling and enthusiastic leaders, Suzanne and Kate. They would watch over Allie as neither of her grandparents could manage a kayak. We could sense our granddaughter begin to relax, especially upon being introduced to several who were also from Ohio.

Suzanne demonstrated the technique of paddling a kayak and explained how to properly wear a PFD (life jacket). We then walked a short distance to a dock on the Little River where Kate helped Allie get into the boat and showed her how to sit and brace her knees. Then she was off and in just a few minutes was paddling like a pro! The trip lasted 2 hours and she came back glowing. Later, Allie wrote:

We saw terns, a type of bird, dive into the water and catch fish, we also saw lots of different kinds of birds, (dont remember what kinds), and beautiful marshes and grasses. Being on the boat just felt like you were floating in the water and it felt very safe and secure. Kate and Suzanne were a HUGE help! They were always trying to help us learn and row the kayak. I would tell people that its a blast and its definitely worth doing it! If youre not so sure about doing it, just do it! Because you will have a blast!!!!

What more could a grandparent ask?