Exploring Loss, Grief, and Compassion
A 3-part series offering compassion, awareness, and nature as resources for healing.
To register, email Elizabeth at growloveportalingawareness@gmail.com or call (207) 408-5657.
Coastal Resource Library
Loss and grief touch all of us, yet we are often unsupported to navigate it. We tend to turn away from it rather than toward it with compassion and care. In this 3-part series, participants learn how to be present with loss and grief as they create a space of compassion for healing and resilience. This series offers compassion, awareness, and nature as resources for loss and grief.
Elizabeth Straka, local author, therapist, compassion and grief worker, guides and facilitates these sessions. We'll begin in the Coastal Resource Library and, weather permitting, move outdoors for a reflective walk.
This session is part of a 3-part series: Saturdays April 20, 27, and May 4.