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Native Plant Sale

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am

Purchase native plants to attract pollinators to your yard while helping support gardens and gardeners at the Wells Reserve.


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  • Cost: Free


Laudholm Campus

This event is handicap accessible
Antennaria neglecta
Antennaria neglecta/Field Pussytoes - Pollinate New England Garden, Wells Reserve at Laudholm, Allan Amioka photograph

Local ecosystems are reliant upon the relationships that evolved between native plants and animals. These interactions, made possible by biodiversity, contribute to species resiliency. In gardens and other planted spaces we can help restore more beneficial habitats, as native plants support native insects through life cycle stages beyond only pollen or nectar. This provides food for a greater number of native birds and relationships through the food chain.

More than 36 species of young plants grown from wild or wild-type seed will be offered, along with information on plant growing conditions, benefits to wildlife, and complementary species.

  • Proceeds benefit York County Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm.
  • This event will be held shine or light rain.
  • Quantities limited.
  • York County Master Gardener Volunteers (UMaine Cooperative Extension) will be present to assist buyers.

University of Maine/University of New Hampshire Extension Pollinator Friendly Garden Certification

There will be information on what you can do to get your garden or habitat certified by the University of Maine/University of New Hampshire Extension Pollinator Friendly Garden program. Over 160 gardens ranging from residences, schools, libraries, parks, land trusts and more across Maine and New Hampshire are certified, with more added all the time. These not only beautify the areas we live in but are the most beneficial to the other inhabitants we benefit from.

More Information

Event: Allan Amioka or Janet Sherman

UMaine/UNH Pollinator Friendly Garden Certification program: Allan Amioka

Plants for Sale

These plants are currently expected to be ready for sale:

  • Big Bluestem/Andropogon gerardii
  • Black Chokeberry/Aronia melanocarpa
  • Blue Iris/Iris versicolor
  • Blue Lobelia/Lobelia siphilitica
  • Blue Stem Goldenrod/Solidago caesia
  • Blue Vervain/Verbena hastata
  • Blue Wood Aster/Symphyotrichum cordifolium
  • Bowman's Root/Gillenia trifoliata
  • Bradbury's Bee Balm/Monarda bradburiana
  • Butterfly Milkweed/Asclepias tuberosa
  • Culver's Root/Veronicastrum virginicum
  • Tall Aster/Doellingeria umbellata
  • Boneset/Eupatorium perfoliatum
  • Foxglove Beardtongue/Penstemon digitalis
  • Golden Alexander/Zizia aurea
  • Golden Groundsel/Packera aurea
  • Heart Leaved Alexander/Zizia aptera
  • New England Aster/Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
  • New England Blazing Star/Liatris novae-angliae
  • Nodding Onion/Allium cernum
  • Northeastern Penstemon/Penstemon hirsutus
  • New York Ironweed/Vernonia noveboracensis
  • Pale Purple Coneflower/Echinacea pallida
  • Pearly Everlasting/Anaphalis margaritacea
  • Purple Coneflower/Echinacea purpurea
  • Purple Flowering Raspberry/Rubus odoratus
  • Broadleaf Mountain Mint/Pycnanthemum muticum
  • Red Columbine/Aquilegia canadensis
  • Rose Milkweed/Asclepias incarnata
  • Three-lobed Coneflower/Rudbeckia triloba
  • Showy Tick Trefoil/Desmodium canadense
  • Small's Penstemon/Penstemon smallii
  • Spotted Joe Pye Weed/Eutrochium maculatum
  • White Snakeroot/Ageratina altissima
  • White Wood Aster/Eurybia divaricata
  • Wild Bergamot/Monarda fistulosa
  • Wild Geranium/Geranium maculatum
  • Zig Zag Goldenrod/Solidago flexicaulis

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