This list of spiders is taken from the Site Profile of the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (2007) and several unpublished sources.
- Site Profile: Entries in table 9-1, pages 122-123.
- Spreadsheet of Wells Reserve spider records identified by the late Daniel T Jennings, obtained in 2021.
- "Spiders (Araneae) captured by pitfall traps, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve."
- Observations reported to iNaturalist, the citizen science portal and database, that were reported from within the Wells Reserve boundary. Last checked August 15, 2023.
- Specimens collected for the citizen science project "The Search for Neodietrichia."
The efforts of the following observers, collectors, and identifiers are represented in the list of spiders found at the Wells Reserve: B. Cutler, F. Graham Jr., K. Janes, D. Jennings, koopnoop, M. Mazurkiewicz, M. Milne, K. O'Brien, S. Richardson, sialia, whutchins, W. Sweet. We apologize for any omissions.