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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Come in with the Tides

Posted by | July 1, 2021 | Filed under: Culture

The moon. We mark time by the phases of the moon. From New Moon to Full Moon every month, the moon rules the tides. Estuaries, those salt-infused, teeming-with-life nurseries, are tied to the tides. Beautiful and mysterious, the moon is ever-changing, yet ever constant.

For Laudholm Trust, moonthly donors are the stars of giving. We rejoice every time someone signs up because we can count on their support to tide us over every month. Without reminders, without fail. Like the tides.

Why Become a Monthly Donor?

With each moonrise, your gift reaffirms your constant connection and support for education, for research, for conservation, for Laudholm. Here are some examples of what your monthly gift would be able to provide:

New Moon
$5-9 monthly

  • Filters and screens for water testing
  • Nails and screws for fence repair
  • Markers for workshop whiteboards
  • Bug spray for docents
  • Grass seed for lawns
I think people forget that it doesnt take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.
—Hannah Teter
Crescent Moon
$10-24 monthly

  • Online newspaper subscriptions
  • Honorariums for guest lecturers
  • Subscription to online survey tools
  • Refractometers, magnifying glasses
  • Water quality testing kits
A crescent still abides, which like the moon… is summoned by the tides.
—Emily Dickinson
Quarter Moon
$25-49 per month

  • Art and craft supplies for preschool story hours
  • New ID signs for the gardens
  • Postage for mailings
  • Gas for Reserve vehicles
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
—Vincent Van Gogh
Full Moon
$50-99 per month

  • Gallons of paint to keep up with the peeling
  • Subsidies for field trips
  • Summer camp scholarships
  • New binoculars for Discovery Packs
  • Lunches for workshop attendees
The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.
—William James
Super Moon
$100 and up monthly

  • Travel to local and regional conferences
  • Interpretive signs
  • Subscription access to prestigious scientific journals
  • New kayaks for our fleet
Shoot for the Moon. You might get there.
—Buzz Aldrin

How to Start Monthly Giving

Switching to monthly giving is easy. Start on our Join or Donate page. We use PayPal as our payment processor, so when you click on the donate button you will be presented with the monthly giving option. We recommend trying it right now before your interest wanes.

 Join or Donate 

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