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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Members: Margo Foreman

Posted by | June 25, 2021 | Filed under: Culture

Members. They are the lifeblood of Laudholm Trust. We have members who support us from 34 different states across these United States. We have some members who joined us way back at the beginning in 1982 and theyre still with us. Thats nearly 40 years of faithful support! Its hard to put into words how much that means to us.

Charter member Margo Foreman is one of those members. Shes been with us since 1983. Recruited by Pat Tracy to volunteer at the food tent of one of the very early Laudholm Nature Craft Festivals, she remembers making hummus and boursin cheese back when we made all our sandwich fillings ourselves.

Laudholm farmhouse in 1983

When Margo Foreman made her first donation to Laudholm Trust, the farmhouse was still owned by the Lord family.

Margo grew up in Paris Hill, Maine, the daughter of an itinerant minister. With her first husband, she continued to move around a lot, living for a year in Los Angeles, then moving to Oregon which they loved because it seemed a lot like Maine, and then on to Washington. After a divorce, she moved with her two children to Indiana and started teaching third grade.

Meanwhile her mother and father were still living in Maine and in 1984 she moved back to North Berwick to be close to them. She believes she first heard of Laudholm when reading an article that described the efforts of a small band of concerned citizens who had come together to try to save the land from developers. She immediately sent in her first donation, happy to support the efforts to save a place she loved and knew well. She enjoyed walking the many trails, especially the beach trail, and tells of introducing the natural beauty of Laudholm to countless friends and family over the years.

In 2005 she left Maine to be closer to her grown children in Michigan and Indiana. Never losing her love of the outdoors, she lives today beside a lake and is a member of the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy. Clearly someone who thrives wherever shes planted, she spent six years delivering Meals on Wheels, she knits hats and mittens for school kids and afghans and lap robes for the wheelchair-bound. Shes worked as a receptionist for the Council on Aging and loves gardening, camping, and traveling with her children and grandchildren.

And every year, from far away in Michigan, she faithfully renews her membership in Laudholm Trust, keeping her connection to a well-loved and very special place in her life. Thank you, Margo.

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