The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
Were more than halfway through our summer camp season amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and Im feeling so grateful—grateful for Amanda and Geena (our stellar camp staff duo), grateful for the trusting families who registered their children and grandchildren, and grateful to live in Maine, where we are experiencing a lower than average rate of COVID cases.
It wasnt an easy decision regarding whether to move forward with our camp programs. If Amanda hadnt been returning for her fifth (!) season as Summer Camp Coordinator, things might have turned out differently. Her confidence that camp could be conducted safely, despite the uncertainties that the pandemic presented, was music to my ears! Her Im up for the challenge, Suzanne was what I needed to hear.
And, thank goodness we moved forward! Weve had four successful and smooth weeks of camp, with three more to go, and the camp staff, campers, and campers families are clearly all benefiting from this opportunity. Camper and caregiver evaluations are only just beginning to find their way back to us, but here are some bits of feedback weve received thus far:
Earlier this week we had a downpour during Critter Camp and I was delighted to look out my window and see the 6-9 year old campers running around on the lawn outside the barn, clearly experiencing such joy! Its so uplifting to hear the laughter of children outside my office window again. Here are some glimpses of our campers over these past four weeks, connecting with Natures treasures and one another: