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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

March Nor' Easter

Posted by | March 16, 2010

Hello again,

Well another strong storm system battered the Maine coast again this past weekend. Here is a brief synopsis of that storm data courtesy of the System Wide Monitoring Program.

All data from 3/13 at 11pm to 3/15 at 3pm was collected on the SWMP Meteorological Station located behind the Coastal Ecology Center.

We had 6.7 inches of rain fall between late Saturday night (13th) into mid afternoon on Monday the 15th. The bulk of the rain (4.7 inches) fell on Sunday the 14th.

We had a max wind gust of 50mph here at the farm. Our average wind speed was 12mph but we had regular gusts between 20-40 mph.

Shaping up to be a wet and windy spring if this keeps up!