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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

MIMIC Report for 2018

Posted by | December 4, 2018 | Filed under: Program Activities

Maine's contributions to the Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative just keep growing!

Highlights of Monitoring in 2018


Our faithful MIMIC volunteers put in another great year of monitoring this year. We just could not accomplish so much without all the time our incredible citizen scientists put into these important surveys.

Jeremy Miller shows invasive species to three eager schoolchildren.
Here I am pointing out invasive species to three schoolchildren on Peaks Island in summer 2018.


This summer marked a decade of monitoring at some of our longest running sites. We monitored at 14 locations from Kittery to Casco Bay this year. Over the winter I'll be looking at data from some of these sites to see if we can say anything about changes in abundance or species composition over the last decade.

Google Map of Maine locations monitored for marine invasives in 2018.
Maine locations monitored for marine invasives in 2018.


Did you know each MIMIC volunteer carries a handy ID guide into the field? Each page depicts one of 16 established or 7 potential invaders, with identification tips and natural history information. The whole series can be downloaded from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management website.

ID card for the star tunicate, Botryllus schlosseri, from MassCZM
ID card for the star tunicate, Botryllus schlosseri, from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, which coordinates the MIMIC network.

Reading List

To show that all this work is not for naught, I'm providing a few links to recent articlesincluding one that features our very own MIMIC volunteer, Dr. Markus Frederich of the University of New England.

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