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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Why "The Wrack"? In its cycles of ebb and flow, the sea transports a melange of weed, shell, bone, feather, wood, rope, and trash from place to place, then deposits it at the furthest reach of spent surf. This former flotsam is full of interesting stuff for anybody who cares to kneel and take a look. Now and then, the line of wrack reveals a treasure.

  • Tracking Songbirds Over the Gulf of Maine

    | September 4, 2013


    To improve understanding of spatial and temporal patterns of migratory land bird movement in coastal and offshore regions of the northeast, in order to assess vulnerability to offshore wind development and guide responsible siting of turbines.

  • Building a Hoop House

    | September 3, 2013

    We're setting the stage for growing vegetables throughout our Maine winter with the installation of a hoop house alongside our existing garden. Thanks to York County Master Gardeners for constructing it as part of our joint workshop series.

    Hoop house under construction during York County Master Gardener workshopThis hoop house is a modified Gothic-arch high-tunnel design oriented roughly east/west and is light weight and movable (a movable greenhouse allows soil to be restored by sun, rain, and deep-rooted cover crops). Row covers of translucent fabric, such as Agribon or Remay, will be laid over a wire armature to offer an additional layer of cold weather protection.

  • The Other Nature Crafts Festival

    | September 1, 2013

    Hang this in your home and waitA beautiful handmade decorative piece... or something more?

    The following was published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Sunday edition, 9/1/13:

    More than 100 artists will converge on the Wells Reserve at Laudholm next weekend for our 26th annual Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival. Theyre all very talented, and if you attend, I promise youll find some unique, beautiful, and affordable Christmas gifts months ahead of schedule.

    But exceptional as these local New England artists are, I think their finest work meets it match up against the other nature crafts show put on by the animal kingdom on a daily basis.

  • Celebrating the Summer Program Season

    Wells Reserve Contributor | August 27, 2013
    A group of our dedicated summer docents gathered this afternoon to celebrate a successful summer program season. These amazing volunteer naturalists braved the heat, humidity, and swarms of mosquitos to lead our 20 scheduled summer guided walks throughout the season with enthusiasm and expertise…
  • Farm to Force

    | August 25, 2013

    Is the sun setting or rising on farming in Maine?

    The following was originally published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Thursday edition, 8/22/13:

    Wendell Berry said do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you. Situated at the mouths of three rivers, the Wells Reserve at Laudholm is downstream from most of York County. This summer, Ive been thinking a lot about whats upstream, particularly farms.

    At first glance, Maine doesnt seem ideal for farming. Our colonial history is a litany of famines and failed harvests. We get some of the least sun of the Lower 48; our soils are the rock-filled remains of mile-high glaciers. Winters, though shorter than they used to be, still bookend a shockingly brief growing season. Why would anyone think of farming here?

  • Even on a Flaming River, a Rising Tide Lifted all Boats

    | August 11, 2013

    The following was originally published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Sunday edition, 8/11/13:

    You may have heard the story of the birth of the modern American environmental movement: Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring in 1962, the Cuyahoga River catches fire in 1969, tens of thousands of Americans join together to celebrate the first Earth Day in 1970, and then, over the next three years, a Republican president saves the planet. Mr. Nixon creates the EPA; extends, with Maines Senator Muskie, the Clean Air Act; signs the Clean Water, Safe Drinking Water, and Endangered Species Acts; and even sets in motion the legislation that eventually establishes the local Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve.

    Never mind that the Cuyahoga had been catching fire regularly since the mid-1800s, or that Mr. Nixon actually vetoed the Clean Water Act, or that Republican meant something different forty years ago. Whats important is the story: an empowering fable of scientists and the citizenry teaming up to overcome the odds and force government to turn around a country before it disappeared beneath smudge and sludge.

    For the most part, its a true story. Its just not the whole story.

  • Great Barn Acoustics: It's In the Wood Slats

    | August 8, 2013 | Filed under: Culture

    Enthusiastic volunteer and proud mom Eileen Willard had her boy help us understand why music in the Laudholm barn sounds So Darn Good…

  • The Climate Games Are Here!

    | August 7, 2013

    Welcome to the town of Launton, its a lot like Wells.


    Ever since Hurricane Paul devastated communities to the south of Launton,?the residents have been asking the town manager:?can we handle a storm like that? Whats our plan?

    Feeling pressured, the town manager convened a Coastal Resiliency Task Force. Their charge: make some recommendations about what the town should do with existing and future development.

    Who is on the task force? You are! Youll be assuming one of the many interests that exist in a town a lot like Wells. From Emergency Management Official to Director of the Chamber of Commerce, youve got opinions, and you think the town has a solution. But can you come to consensus with the other members on the team? Can you compromise on issues near and dear to your heart, for the sake of the town?

  • Music in the Key of Maine

    | August 4, 2013


    The following was originally published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Sunday edition, 8/4/13:


    Music is in the ear of the beholder. Whether finch or frog, cricket or quartet, its all part of natures symphony.

    Working at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm, I listen to recorded music in my farmhouse office most hours of the day. Because its such a natural fit here, Im bringing more live music to our barn this summer too. String quartets sound particularly fine in a hundred-year-old wooden barn. An acoustical engineer recently told me: Wood slats like your barns walls have ideal absorptive, reflective, and diffusive characteristics for live instrumentation. Sounds good to me.

    Barns aside, Im constantly discovering new artists in our fields and marshes too.

  • A Prickly Surprise

    Wells Reserve Contributor | August 2, 2013

    Turning the bend on the Laird-Norton trail, the path narrows.? Above, rivulets of blue are breaking apart a gray sky. To the right, the weathered brown bark of an apple tree is imprinted with the secret language of the yellow-bellied sapsuckers.? To the left, the emerald expanse of honeysuckle leaves are dotted with red berries.? Below, a worn path parts a sea of green shaggy grass& embedded with a shaggy spot of black!