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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Why "The Wrack"? In its cycles of ebb and flow, the sea transports a melange of weed, shell, bone, feather, wood, rope, and trash from place to place, then deposits it at the furthest reach of spent surf. This former flotsam is full of interesting stuff for anybody who cares to kneel and take a look. Now and then, the line of wrack reveals a treasure.

  • Tiny Orchids

    Hannah Wilhelm
    | June 10, 2008 | Filed under: Observations

    A naturalist turns up early coralroot under a skunk cabbage leaf.

  • Installing Salt Marsh Loop Interpretive Signs

    | April 14, 2008 | Filed under: News

    Eight interpretive signs got installed along the Salt Marsh Loop and in the native plant demonstration garden.

  • Going native in your garden

    | March 8, 2008
    Laudholm Native Plant Sale pre-orders are now being accepted. Plan ahead and get your order in by May 2 (it's pre-order only again this year). We've added an online form to make it easy. Volunteers Pat Smith and Lynn Jourdan, who coordinate the sale, have put together a great list of 40 species native to Maine. Whether you have already started incorporating native plants into your landscape, here are Pat's&…
  • Winged Wednesday XVI: Snow Buntings

    | February 27, 2008
    The pattern strengthens over time. Twice a year, in November and February, the Wells Reserve parking lot and adjacent grassy areas attract a small number of Snow Buntings. Without surveilling the area more regularly than I do, it's hard to say whether they're around every day. Whenever they do appear, it's a brightening experience. The four that were pecking through sandy puddles and winter-worn weeds this …
  • Winged Wednesday XV: The Return

    | January 3, 2008
    Time flies. Its nearly a year since the last Winged Wednesday. My 2007 quest for 99 Common Birds has ended 19 species shy of the goal, even though I compiled a list of 112 species at the Wells Reserve during the year. It is an interesting coincidence that I also tallied just 80 of the 99 so-called common species during 2006. Most of my misses in 06 were ticked in 07, but once again it is clear…
  • Joyeux Anniversaire, Karen

    | November 28, 2007 | Filed under: Culture

    A song for Karen Stathoplos.

  • Northern Blazing Star discovered at Wells Reserve

    | November 15, 2007

    While marking fields for mowing on the newly acquired Lord Parcel this past August, Reserve Manager Paul Dest was thrilled to discover two stems of the showy yet threatened native plant, the Northern Blazing Star. Paul made sure the lonely stalks were well marked to avoid being mowed over.

  • Stories of Laudholm

    | October 25, 2007 | Filed under: Culture

    As part of our 25th anniversary, we created a video to tell the story of the very early days of the effort to save Laudholm Farm. The video, produced by William Lord, debuted at our celebratory dinner.

  • Skinner Mill bridge reopens!

    | October 18, 2007
    Seventeen months ago people lost a key route of access to the Wells Reserve, when the Mother's Day flood of 2006 left a huge gash in the Skinner Mill bridge. Today the "road closed" signs are gone. The new bridge is carrying cars and bikes. And people coming to the Wells Reserve via Kennebunkport and Kennebunk Lower Village no longer need to get up to speed with Route 1 traffic.…
  • Senator Collins at Wells Reserve

    | August 27, 2007

    The Wells Reserve today hosted Senator Susan M. Collins for "Mercury in a Maine Estuary & National Mercury Monitoring Event," presented in conjunction with the BioDiversity Research Institute (BRI).