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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Picture Post: Monitoring Habitat Change Over Time

Posted by | June 18, 2010 | Filed under: Program Activities

Quick Links: Overlook " Beach " Field " Salt Marsh " Yankee Woodlot

Note: The Picture Post website has gone offline. Links in this post have been disabled.

With a camera and a computer you have everything you need to monitor habitat change over time at the Wells Reserve.

On your next visit, walk the Knight Trail to the Webhannet Overlook to find a 4x4 post capped by an octagonal head marked with an N.

Dr. Jeff Beaudry of the University of Southern Maine takes the first set of photos from the "Wells Reserve Overlook" Picture Post.

Set your camera on the platform with its back resting against that north face and, using a wide angle, snap a picture. Now rotate clockwise around the platform, shooting northeast, east, southeast, and so on till you have captured eight images. Finally, aim at the sky for one last picture with the bottom of your camera against the north face.

Now youre ready to share your images through the Picture Post website, where the Knight Trail post is called Wells Reserve Overlook. Its easy to create an account and add your own photo set for this or other Picture Posts in a growing network of monitoring locations.

Three other posts are being used at the Wells Reserve to observe shrubland habitats managed for the New England cottontail, beach erosion and accretion at the Little River mouth, and salt marsh conditions on the Little River estuary.

The Picture Post project was developed as part of Digital Earth Watch, a collaboration among the University of Southern Maine, University of New Hampshire, and other partners.

Eventually, the project was moved to the University of Oklahoma's Center for Earth Observation and Modeling. The Picture Post project has since gone offline (2022?).

Panorama from Beach Picture Post

Links to Wells Reserve entries on the Picture Post website:

  • Wells Reserve Overlook
  • Wells Reserve Beach
  • Wells Reserve Field
  • Wells Reserve Salt Marsh
  • Wells Reserve Yankee Woodlot

Our Picture Posts in the News:

From Watermark 27(1), then expanded and updated.

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