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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Punkinfiddle 10 Recap in Pictures

Posted by | September 24, 2012

The 10th annual Punkinfiddle festival and National Estuaries Day celebration went wonderfully from all reports we've received and if you were there we hope you had a great time, too (either way, let us know by commenting below).

Thanks once again to the Punkinfiddle committee, our fabulous volunteers, everyone who participated, and our generous sponsors  Maine magazine, Sevigney Lyons Insurance Agency, Pratt & Whitney, Kittery Trading Post, The Bank of Maine, Captain Lord Mansion, Purdy Powers & Company, Bergen & Parkinson, LLC, and Roger A. Auger & Associates / Ameriprise Financial.

Here are 18 photos that capture many of the happenings of the day&

Plentiful PumpkinsThe Pumpking and Pumpqueen proclaim PunkinfiddleWool spinner demonstrates on the porchChair caner at work at PunkinfiddleStone mason displays his skillCarving a giant pumpkinSack racingHoop racingHuge kitty kite over the fieldHis and hers decorated pumpkinsStory time with TonyTony Viehmann and Linda Franklin, children's book authorsEstuary sand activityHorse companionshipHorse friendAlpaca enjoymentDeep Hole Road performsSalt River performs

And one video, the Punkinfiddle Proclamation, too!&

The 11th annual Punkinfiddle is planned for September 28, 2013. Hope to see you here!