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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Spiffing Up for Summer

Posted by | June 5, 2013

Laboring on the edge of the gardenWe had a great crew of volunteers for our first Spring Spiff Up on the morning of May 18. Folks from near and far, some old friends and some new to the place, pitched in to dig ditches and dandelions, plant trees and flowers, and paint fences and bathroom walls. After a busy and beautiful few hours, many paused to help us dedicate the ecology center solar panels before venturing off. Some went home or off to lunch or on to chores, while others headed down to the beach or into the woods for a well deserved relax. We appreciate everyone's help and hope the day was as rewarding for you as it was for us.

Putting in a willowWilla's willowDigging a drainage ditch around the All Seasons GardenKennebunk Savings volunteers dig a ditchPlanting flowers by the gazeboPainting a fencePainting insidePart of the Spiff Up crewStanford alumni of Maine and New Hampshire

  1. Planting a celebratory willow tree
  2. The willow is for Willa, observing from her stroller, daughter of board member Kelly Gardner
  3. Digging a drainage trough around the All Seasons Garden
  4. Kennebunk Savings volunteers helped dig the ditch
  5. Planting flowers by the gazebo
  6. Painting a fence
  7. Painting rest room walls after winter water damage
  8. A good part of the Spiff Up crew
  9. Stanford alumni of Maine and New Hampshire

See more photos on our Flickr photostream.