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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Spring Leading: Thank You, Docents!

Posted by Wells Reserve Contributor | June 17, 2015

Last week, we wrapped up one of the busiest school program seasons to date. Beginning the last week of April, school kids and teachers from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont (!) explored the trails here at the Wells Reserve. Some came for self-guided discovery, but many more learned from our team of volunteer docents a wealth of information about estuaries, wildlife, habitats, water quality, and much more. Today we celebrated their hard work leading these students in temperatures that ranged from 45F to 85F, in drizzle and shining sun, and learned just how big their impact was with a candy guessing game during our end-of-season potluck!

Docent guessing game

A total of 822 students joined our docents on the trails in the seven weeks of the program season.reeses students

Over 18 different program dates, these dedicated docents put in 541 hours of their time to share their love and knowledge of the estuary with our visiting classes.reeses hours

Making these numbers even more impressive is the number of docents: 25. That's an average of over 21 hours and over 32 students educated by EACH docent.reeses docents

In addition to sending my thanks to ALL docents, I also want to congratulate and welcome all of our newcomers who joined the program and have logged an impressive number of hours as shadows, coleaders, and even leaders in just their very first season. You are all stars here at the Wells Reserve, and we wouldn't be able to reach so many students without you!