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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Posts tagged spring

  • Finding May Flowers

    | May 4, 2020 | Filed under: Observations

    Its finally May, and in between rain, cold, cold rain, wind, and cold wind Ive been looking for flowers. It is enjoyable to be out, and there are things to see.

  • Enjoy the Greatest Show of Spring: The Sky Dance

    | April 1, 2020 | Filed under: Observations

    For the first time in 20+ years, our popular Woodcock Watches had to be canceled. Use these tips to experience the Sky Dance somewhere else this year.

  • Keeping Nature's Calendar

    | March 31, 2020 | Filed under: Observations

    Naturalists and scientists have been keeping records of plant and animal life cycles for centuries. You can too.

  • Spring Leading: Thank You, Docents!

    Wells Reserve Contributor | June 17, 2015

    Last week, we wrapped up one of the busiest school program seasons to date. Beginning the last week of April, school kids and teachers from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont (!) explored the trails here at the Wells Reserve. Some came for self-guided discovery, but many more learned from our team of volunteer docents a wealth of information about estuaries, wildlife, habitats, water quality, and much more. Today we celebrated their hard work leading these students in temperatures that ranged from 45F to 85F, in drizzle and shining sun, and learned just how big their impact was with a candy guessing game during our end-of-season potluck!

  • Rites of Spring: Return of the Welcome Booth

    | April 18, 2014

    Late last fall, the Welcome Booth went into hibernation, tucked away until the danger of snowplows was safely past. This morning, just a few days shy of Earth Day, the booth checked the forecast and made its commitment to Spring. Somehow our Facility Manager sensed the booth's confidence, so John, Frank, and Jim made their move. We're pleased to share this photodocumentary of the journey&