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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Posts tagged celebration

  • Babies On the Way

    | April 5, 2012
    May is expected to be baby month around here, so staff (along with a few volunteers and interns) got together yesterday to wish well the first-time parents-to-be. Among the gifts showered upon Annie Cox and Sarah and Jeremy Miller were these creative blankets crafted by office manager Joyce Shea. (That yummy-looking carrot cake was the work of Jane Smith, with husband Tin's teasing sentiment expressed in true-blue…
  • 25th Recap

    | August 26, 2011

    25th anniversary cake decorated with blueberriesMany people came out to help us mark the 25th anniversary of the Wells Reserve yesterday. We had a few special activities planned around mid day and held our annual volunteer recognition event in late afternoon. We were mostly lucky with the weather, but the "behind-the-scenes" tour participants got either wet or very wet going between buildings. Here are a few photos (and a short video) from the day.