The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The following was published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Sunday edition, 12/15/13 ?(and may also appear, with other goodies, in members' mailboxes shortly...):
Normally, I do not talk to dead opossums. But since Id watched this one keel over right in front of me, I felt I had to say something.
Have you ever wondered what watershed conservation is all about?? Do you often consider where the water in your local river travels, and how its care affects your community and others down the river?? Here at the Wells Reserve we work with watershed conservation on a day-to-day basis.? Watersheds are areas of land which share a common featureall water that flows above or underground drains to the same place.? The Saco River watershed connects diverse areas such as North Conway, NH, and Biddeford, ME.? The lives of the people who live within these areas are affected by the healthconservationof their watershed.