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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Posts tagged erosion

  • Watch Out: That Last Step is a Doozy

    Capping off a stormy winter and spring, beach access is lost and regained.

  • Green Crabs Damaging Maine Salt Marshes

    | April 20, 2016 | Filed under: News

    Green crab burrowing activity is weakening salt marsh creek banks, causing them to erode.

  • Volunteers Track Long-Term Trends in Beach Erosion

    | January 22, 2015 | Filed under: Program Activities

    Sand beaches are incredibly valuable to Maine. Sea walls and jetties disrupt the natural movement of sand along the coastline, creating areas of erosion that combined with rising sea level and increased frequency and severity of storms have contributed to an overall net loss of sand.

  • The Sandy Dialogues: Takeaways from New Jersey

    Wells Reserve Contributor | June 23, 2014

    Coastal destruction after Hurricane SandyDown in sunny Tuckerton, New Jersey, a contingent of coastal Maine residents and Wells Reserve associates heard firsthand the accounts of locals affected by Hurricane Sandy. The meeting was designed to be an exchange of experiences and suggestions in?regard to storm preparedness and coastal resilience. The discussion was geared toward vulnerable areas in Maine, specifically Drakes Island and the Saco-Biddeford area, both of which sent representatives down to NJ. The trip included dinner at a restaurant damaged by Sandy, a few tours of destroyed coastal communities, and an informative panel discussion with residents and municipal officials involved in the recovery efforts.