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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Posts tagged garden

  • Plowing the Punkinfiddle Patch

    | May 20, 2010

    Rick Chase from Chase Farm in Wells brought Bud and Bill to plow the Punkinfiddle corn and pumpkin patch, which is doubling in size this year.

    Plowing the Punkinfiddle patch

  • Going native in your garden

    | March 8, 2008
    Laudholm Native Plant Sale pre-orders are now being accepted. Plan ahead and get your order in by May 2 (it's pre-order only again this year). We've added an online form to make it easy. Volunteers Pat Smith and Lynn Jourdan, who coordinate the sale, have put together a great list of 40 species native to Maine. Whether you have already started incorporating native plants into your landscape, here are Pat's&…
  • Prepping the Punkinfiddle pumpkin patch

    | June 1, 2006
    Eight York County Master Gardeners did extensive work on the 3-year-old pumpkin patch today, preparing it for its fourth crop. The starts are ready to be planted. This year, we've got seeds from a 742-pound giant, so watch the patch to see how those grow. Lumina,…