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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Posts tagged laudholm beach

  • The Power of Water

    | January 16, 2024 | Filed under: Observations

    Low-lying coastal areas are altered when rain and snowmelt combine with tide and wind.

  • Wing'd XXXIII: 2015 Plovers & Terns

    | September 16, 2015 | Filed under: Observations

    Katrina Papanastassiou brought good news for her lunchtime talk about this summer's piping plover and least tern nesting season in Maine.

  • Sea Raven Sighting

    | June 16, 2011
    Last Tuesday, June 7, the Reserve's education team made a morning low tide?visit to Laudholm Beach as part of new staff training. They were treated to a most amazing sighting of a bright red, approximately 15 inch long Sea Raven! David Word, a Wells Reserve visitor from Kentucky, was nearby and had his camera. Below are two images of the fish?that?David so?generously emailed today. …