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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog, our collective logbook on the web.

Watermark, Fall 2020

Posted by | December 15, 2020 | Filed under: News

In the fall 2020 issue of Watermark:

  • Working together toward habitat resilience
  • Flotsam — MCEC exhibits close, new StoryWalk?, drifters wander far, Maine Climate Action Plan, Mount A to Sea success
  • Nik's Notebook: Reserves of strength, empathy, and patience
  • Welcome, NERRS Davidson Fellow
  • Solar array adds capacity for growth
  • Crafting a regional coastal resilience plan
  • Progress through a pandemic
  • FY 2020 financial report (draft)
  • Popular trails off limits until spring
  • Watch talks (and more videos) on YouTube

Download the Fall 2020 Watermark (11 MB PDF)

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