Meet the Scientist: A Southern Crab in a Warming Gulf of Maine
Join Research Associate Laura Crane to explore the blue crabs' range expansion into the Gulf of Maine.
To reserve a space in this program, please email or call (207) 646-1555 x116.
Teaching Lab
This event is handicap accessibleThe blue crabwhose scientific name (Callinectes sapidus) rightfully means beautiful savory swimmerforms a lucrative fishery in the Chesapeake Bay and other areas further south. Until recently, the northern extent of this species range was limited to Cape Cod, MA, likely due to their inability to survive cold Maine winters. However, as the water of the Gulf of Maine continues to warm, Maine winters may become more hospitable to this warm-water species, allowing it to extend its range northward.
In the past few years, Wells Reserve scientists have been documenting the range expansion of blue crabs in our local coastal waterways, which has raised a lot of questions for scientists and fishermen alike: Are blue crabs here to stay? Can they survive Maine winters? What impacts will they have on local ecosystems and existing fisheries? Join Research Associate Laura Crane to learn about her ongoing research aimed at answering these questions and better understanding the extent and implications of blue crab range expansion into the Gulf of Maine.