Application Deadline: 36th Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival
Don't miss your chance to be a vendor at the 36th Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival. Apply by March 24th!

About the the Application Process
This long-running, juried show is regarded by many as the best crafts festival in Maine, attracting 135 talented exhibitors and 5,000 motivated shoppers. The festival, brimming with professional vitality and seaside hospitality, is presented by Laudholm Trust as a fundraiser in support of the Wells Reserve at Laudholm.
Exhibitors are the engines of creativity and dynamism that keep visitors flocking back to the annual Laudholm show. Skilled craftspeople like you offer unique high-quality items, displayed invitingly, that are the heart and soul of the festival. Applicants are judged based on quality, originality, display, and adherence to the theme of nature and the natural world. Application fee: $35.
The application deadline is March 24, 2024. Notifications will be made in writing by April 12, 2024.
Find all the details here and apply today.