2014 Blue Carbon Workshop
Create a U.S./Canada working group, identify research gaps, and establish a regional approach to blue carbon science and policy.
Project Period
Hold workshop "Blue is the New Green: Valuing Carbon Storage to Understand Barriers and Build Bridges to Enhance Salt Marsh and Seagrass Conservation and Management" (December 5, 2014)

Specific Workshop Goals and Objectives
- Document local and regional coastal blue carbon science efforts within a national and international context to identify knowledge gaps, management-relevant science questions, and opportunities for collaboration on proposals with approaching funding deadlines.
- Connect and build a community of scientists and managers from academia, non-profit organizations, and federal and state agencies, interested in blue carbon and its application to conservation and restoration projects.
- Communicate workshop results to appropriate audiences, including the conservation community and the broader public.
- Bates College
- Wells Reserve
NERR System Science Collaborative