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The Wrack

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Reserve Science at 2022 Benthic Ecology Meeting

Posted by | March 31, 2022 | Filed under: Program Activities
Logo for the 2022 Benthic Ecology Meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

The Benthic Ecology Meeting Society is holding their annual meeting in New Hampshire this week and Wells Reserve research is prominent. At BEM 2022 in Portsmouth, scientists are exchanging  their knowledge of ecosystems including the rocky intertidal, coral reefs, estuaries, and seagrass meadows.

Among the hundreds of presentations and posters being absorbed by attendees this week are numerous contributions centered on the Wells Reserve. In the order they are appearing, here are the Wells-centric presenters:

Phoebe Oehmig, a Wells Reserve intern in 2021 and now an engineering assistant at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Effect of warming sea temperatures on postlarval lobster (Homarus americanus) swimming performance and energy reserves.

Steven Jury, a frequent collaborator with the research staff and an assistant professor at St. Joseph's College: Behavioral thermoregulation of ovigerous American lobsters (Homarus americanus).

Jeremy Miller, research associate and Maine lead for MIMIC: The Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative (MIMIC): Citizen scientists track the spread of invasive species in the Gulf of Maine.

Laura Crane, research associate: Paddling up the coast: Monitoring the northward range expansion of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) into the Gulf of Maine.

Anna Dorrance, a recent University of New Hampshire graduate: Sublethal behavioral and physiological effects of claw removal on Jonah crabs (Cancer borealis).

Hannah Craft, a 2021 Hollings Scholar in research and senior at Monmouth University: To molt or not to molt? Indicators of premolt status in the invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas).

Emily Burke, a 2021 research intern and University of New Hampshire graduate student: Tracking and connecting green crab movements with acoustic telemetry in a Gulf of Maine estuary.

Jason Goldstein, research director: Egg-bearing American lobsters in a sea of trouble: Reduced fecundity in southern New England—drivers and implications.

Ben Gutzler, post-doctoral research fellow: Chew on this: monitoring American lobster feeding behavior in the wild.

Two of our previous post-docs are also on the agenda—Jenn Dijkstra (2008-2013), now at the University of New Hampshire, is the current president of BEMS. And Megan Tyrrell (2005-2007) is now the research coordinator at the Waquoit Bay Reserve.

Most of the Wells presentations at BEMS 2022 have stemmed from research activities that are detailed in our Projects database.


We have collected the abstracts, with complete author lists, for easy reference.

Download Select BEM 2022 Abstracts

Portsmouth Harbor Light, photographed by Scott Ray. CC BY-SA 2.0

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