Restoring Cape Neddick River Watershed
We are in the throes of this project, so check back, because we'll be updating it.
Improve water quality of the Cape Neddick River through bacteria reduction efforts, including proper pet waste disposal, septic system inspection and pumping, and deterring Canada geese from congregating by the waters edge.

- Inform landowners in the watershed of the impacts of wildlife and pet waste on water quality through a postcard mailing (fall 2017)
- Provide information to all community dog owners when their dog is annually registered with the town (fall 2017)
- Work with 3 landowners to pilot geese-deterrent plantings along the waters edge (fall 2017 to spring 2018). More about that here.
- Showcase geese-deterrent plantings in site visits to landowners in the watershed (fall 2018)
- Provide information connecting the impacts of septic maintenance to water quality to homeowners in the watershed
Project Partners
- The Town of York
- The Cape Neddick River Association
- York Land Trust
- Mount Agamenticus Conservation Program
- York Water District
- Maine Department of Environmental Protection
- The Wells Reserve
- and maybe you!
Cape Neddick River Watershed Based Plan (FB Environmental 2014)
Scoop the Poop Resources
Canada Geese Management
- Resident Canada Geese Management Options (Clemson University, South Carolina Cooperative Extension)
- Nuisance Canada Geese Management Solutions (Indiana Department of Natural Resources)
- Managing Canada Goose Damage (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Planting Natural Geese Barriers
- Habitat Modification & Canada Geese (Animal Alliance of Canada, et. al)
- Using Vegetation to Protect Water Quality (Maine DEP and Portland Water District)
- The Buffer Handbook: A guide to creating vegetated buffers for lakefront properties (Androscoggin Valley Soil & Water Conservation District, Lake and Watershed Resource Associates)
- Using Vegetated Buffers to Protect of Lakes and Rivers (Berkshire Regional Planning Commission)
- Native Trees, Shrubs, Ground Covers in the Upper Connecticut River Valley (Connecticut River Joint Commissions)
To participate or for more information, contact Annie Cox at or (207) 646-1555 ext 157.
Funding for this project was provided, in part, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. The funding is administered by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection in partnership with EPA. EPA does not endorse any commercial products or services mentioned.