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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog, our collective logbook on the web.

Volunteer Recognition Awards (all years)

Posted by | October 13, 2015 | Filed under: Culture

The importance of volunteers cannot be overstated; volunteer labor underlies every success of the Wells Reserve and Laudholm Trust.

All volunteers are honestly appreciated, but some merit special attention for their unusual dedication. Each year, Laudholm Trust and Wells Reserve staff nominate certain volunteers for recognition. Here is our history of selections…

Laudholm Award

A one-time award presented to volunteers whose efforts over the years consistently exceed all expectations.

  • 2019  Robin and Ric Planco
  • 2018  No recipient
  • 2017  No recipient
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  Betsy Smith
  • 2014  Eileen Willard
  • 2013  Hans Warner
  • 2012  Pat Tracy Frost
  • 2011  Rhoda Frederick
  • 2010  Tim Dietz
  • 2009  June Ficker
  • 2008  Frank and Carol Heller
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Lorraine Houlihan
  • 2005  Jeannie Meggison
  • 2004  Don and Jean Somers
  • 2003  Walt Leffler
  • 2002  Alden Cheever
  • 2001  Cynthia Daley
  • 2000  Linda Scotland, Jane Smith
  • 1999  Mary Beckley, Ellie Carberry, Marjorie Cheever, Violet Eberle, Mae Findlay, Doris Goodwin, Fran Goodwin, Cleta Henry, Nancy Hogan, Tim and Doris Kennedy, Hope McPhee, Helen Nesky, Pam Thompson, Nancy Titcomb
  • 1998  Ernie Acheson, Doris Adams, Hazel and Dick Davis, Herb and Eunice Duffill, Gene and Rhoda Frederick, Bob Moon, Florence Sulham
  • 1997  Paul Jennings, Nancy Jones, Bill Towner, Pat Tracy, Barbara Wallis

Lily Rice Kendall Volunteer Spirit Award

A one-time award presented to volunteers whose efforts demonstrate uncommon grace, wit, and affability on behalf of our organization and in the community at large.

  • 2019  Lise Tremblay
  • 2018  Joanne Conrad
  • 2017  Edie Lamberts
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  No recipient
  • 2014  Carollee Ferris
  • 2013  Mary Anne Hawkins, Vivian Howe
  • 2012  Gail Dewildt
  • 2011  Doris Adams
  • 2010  Joan Junker
  • 2009  Bill Lord
  • 2008  Eileen Willard
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Charles Lord
  • 2005  Leila Jahncke
  • 2004  Marla McCurdy
  • 2003  Rhoda and Gene Frederick
  • 2002  Sandy Armentrout
  • 2001  Jeanne Meggison
  • 2000  Pat Tracy, June Ficker
  • 1999  Nancy McReel, Wilhelmina Pilger
  • 1998  Cynthia Daley, Paul Dest, Cleta Henry, Alice Strait, Lottie Fortune
  • 1997  Ernie Acheson, Nancy McReel, Alden Cheever, Jack Parker

Conservation Award

An award presented to a group or individual whose efforts support the joint mission of the Wells Reserve and Laudholm Trust.

  • 2019  Ward Feurt
  • 2018  Monica and Bill Grabin
  • 2017  No recipient
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  Bruce Read
  • 2014  John Burrows
  • 2013  No recipient
  • 2012  No recipient
  • 2011  No recipient
  • 2010  Robert Christensen-Lang
  • 2009  Keith Fletcher
  • 2008  Tim Spahr
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Isabel Lewando
  • 2005  Carol Donnelly
  • 2004  Owen Grumbling
  • 2003  Phil Bozenhard
  • 2002  Tin Smith
  • 2001  No recipient
  • 2000  David Sweet & K/K/W Water District, RJ Mere, Brian Doyle & the Watershed Evaluation Team
  • 1999  Wells Boy Scout Troop 356
  • 1998  York County Audubon Society

Bob Ludwig Preservation Award

A one-time award presented to a group or individual dedicated to preserving the historical integrity and cultural value of the buildings and grounds of Laudholm Farm.

  • 2019  No recipient
  • 2018  Peter McKenzie
  • 2017  Peter Anthony and Carolyn Broad
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  Allan Amioka, Elizabeth Spahr, and Ginger Laurits
  • 2014  Jim Slocombe
  • 2013  No recipient
  • 2012  No recipient
  • 2011  Walt Leffler
  • 2010  Cynthia Daley
  • 2009  Hans Warner
  • 2008  No recipient
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Dorothy Paine
  • 2005  Joyce Butler
  • 2002  Bob Ludwig

Laudholm Good Neighbor Award

An award presented to a group or individual in recognition of their generous and gracious hospitality on behalf of the Wells Reserve and Laudholm Trust.

  • 2019  No recipient
  • 2018  No recipient
  • 2017  Joan and David Morse
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  Loretta Hoglund
  • 2014  Rocky Furman
  • 2013  No recipient
  • 2012  Judy Cohen
  • 2011  No recipient
  • 2010  No recipient
  • 2009  No recipient
  • 2008  Judith Hansen & Tourist News
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Ed Baker
  • 2005  Doris Adams
  • 2004  Charles Lord
  • 2003  No recipient
  • 2002  No recipient
  • 2001  No recipient
  • 2000  Jonathan Carter
  • 1999  William and Gertrude Spaulding

George and Eleanor Ford Contribution to Research Award

An award presented to a group or individual whose efforts directly support ongoing research of the Wells Reserve.

  • 2019  No recipient
  • 2018  No recipient
  • 2017  No recipient
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  No recipient
  • 2014  Tim Dubay
  • 2013  The Healthy Beaches Team of Barb Wood and George Dugovic
  • 2012  No recipient
  • 2011  George and Eleanor Ford
  • 2010  Cory French
  • 2009  Jon White
  • 2008  Kate Reynolds
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Ray Konisky
  • 2005  Brian Doyle
  • 2004  Fred Dillon
  • 2003  No recipient
  • 2002  No recipient
  • 2001  No recipient
  • 2000  Alden Cheever, Cynthia Daley, Sandy Armentrout, Caitlin Mullan, Chuck Lubelczyk + summer interns Brian Watson, Jess English, Eric Brazer, Jim Dochtermann, Eleanor Dickens
  • 1999  Wells Clam Commission

Charles and Rebecca Richardson Contribution to Education Award

An award presented to a group or individual whose efforts directly support the education programs of the Wells Reserve.

  • 2019  Bob Kuech
  • 2018  Margaret Weeks
  • 2017  No recipient
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  No recipient
  • 2014  Stu Flavin
  • 2013  Jeannie Meggison
  • 2012  Betsy Stevens
  • 2011  Becky Richardson

Copper Beech Award

A one-time award presented to a group or individual who exemplifies the endurance and constancy of volunteerism at the Wells Reserve and Laudholm Trust.

  • 2019  Carol Horne
  • 2018  Joan Kolias and Peg Nelson
  • 2017  No recipient
  • 2016  No recipient
  • 2015  Gard Thompson
  • 2014  Jean Somers
  • 2013  Lottie Fortune
  • 2012  No recipient
  • 2011  All volunteers who have served for 20 years or more
  • 2010  Pat Tracy Frost
  • 2009  Doris Adams
  • 2008  No recipient
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Cynthia Daley
  • 2005  June Ficker and the Bird Banders
  • 2004  Mary Beckley, Fran Goodwin & Nancy Titcomb

Volunteer Extraordinaire

Volunteers who demonstrate extraordinary effort in a given year.

  • 2019  Mary and Dave Harrison, Jeannie Dunn
  • 2018  Kate Ryan, Bob Fox, Allan Amioka
  • 2017  No recipients
  • 2016  No recipients
  • 2015  Ed Alberts, Dorothy and John Andrews, Mike Bellows, Don Hamilton, Candy Jarvis, Robin and Rick Planco, Liz Walsh
  • 2014  Ed Bellegarde, Chris Chamberlain, Kathy Sanders, Margaret Weeks
  • 2013  Brian Fox, Tonyia Gibbons, Donna Perkins, Jim Slocombe, Scott Negley, Betsey VanGundy
  • 2012  Galen Mott, Ingrid Reaves, David Smith, Stuart Wood, Dick Eaton, Joan Kolias, Betsy Smith, Leslie Roberts, George Lambert
  • 2011  No recipient
  • 2010  Mark Klys
  • 2009  Kathy Sanders, Alice Hritz, Gail deWildt, Helene Rutledge, Helen and Barb Wood, David Meserve, Melanie Shelton
  • 2008  Stu Flavin, Joanna Olson, Vivian Howe, Carol Horne, Dana Foster, Amanda Spenlinhauer, Bob Rutledge, Tony Viehmann
  • 2007  Laudholm 25th Anniversary collective recognition
  • 2006  Noreen and Paul Basque, Anne Supenia, Karen Hull, Pete Hayes, Bruce Reed
  • 2005  Charles Allen, Eric & Ryan Brown, Stefan Gafner, Lynn Jourdan, Lyman Page, Gardner Whitney. Plus the Native Plant Sale Committee (Pat Smith, Janet Weston, Lynn Jourdan)
  • 2004  Punkinfiddle Committee (Diana Joyner, Jan Wirth, Jen Comeau, Eileen Willard, Bill Lord), Rob Olson, Lottie Fortune, Mark Higgins, Tim Mabon, Eddie Van Hunnik, Thom Campbell, Betsey VanGundy, Pat Smith, Janet Weston
  • 2003  Brad Claxton, Wayne Cronin, Ted Cunningham, Cynthia Doolittle, Dan Doolittle, Don Emery, Mary Anne Hawkins, Charlie Miller, Randy LeClair, Charlie Rimmer, Amber Tatnall
  • 2002  Jean and Don Somers, Bob Butler, Bill Dugan, Frank DeTrano, Carol Davis, Millie Adams, Barbara Perry, Polly Coletti, Richard Lane, Matt Hight
  • 2001  Bobbie-Jo Boulay and the Girl Scouts, Georgie Fisher, Elizabeth Green, Linda Haberern, Jim Harris, Carol and Frank Heller, Bill Houlihan, Leila Jahncke, Vanessa Nesvig, Stacey ORourke, Larry Riley, Laura Thompson
  • 2000  Paul Dest & Betsy Stevens, Walt Leffler, Lorraine Houlihan, Marla McCurdy, Rhoda & Gene Frederick, Tedine Roos, Brian Fox, Wilhelmina Pilger, Therese Gaddis, Hannah Crouthamel, Margo Foreman, Sandra Grady
  • 1999  Millie Adams, Gail Alling, Pam Bergeron, Anne Browne, Jessica Caron, Jim Harris, Carol Horne, Edie Lamberts, Al Letourneau, Jr.
  • 1998  Geoff Coombs, Richard Frost, Patrick Grace, Nancy Griffith, Jayne Lynch, Kristen Lynch, Barbara Mather, Scott Negley, Robert Rigby, B.J. Royer, Judy Royer, Jan Salas, Jim Trask.
  • 1997  Dick Aguiar, Rhoda Frederick, Vern Rogers, Sandra Armentrout, Art Garland, Helen Schadlick, Rachel Curtis, Georgianna Gallagher, Jane Smith, Herb Duffill, Cleta Henry, Jack Troy, Eunice Duffill, Teny Nahbedian, Dick Taylor, John Fortune, Stan Reichenberg, Pam Thompson, Margaret Watson
  • 1996  Mary Beckley, Priscilla Cookson, Gene Frederick, Fran Goodwin, Paul Jennings, Kim Krauss, Donald Paine, Cliff Punchard, Dick Taylor, Nancy Titcomb, Charles Whithrow, Velma Whithrow
  • 1995  Norma Brogan, Grace Conrad, June Ficker, Clair Frye, Art Garland, Sandra Grady, Nancy Griffith, Linda Gurtman, Betty Morrison, Anne Rieder, Barbara Sheldon, Patricia Smith, Ellie Stenson, Alice Strait, Margaret Vose

Early Volunteer Recognition

During the first few years of acknowledging volunteer contributions, only one category was awarded.

  • 1994  J. Alden Cheever, Eileen and Patrick Graham, James Beckerley, Nancy Titcomb, William Towner, Joanne Sheridan, Linda Scotland, Cliff Punchard, Hope McPhee, Joan Junker, Blanche Feinberg, Ernest Acheson, Georgie Fisher, Cleta Henry, Donald Paine, Patricia Tracy, Shirley Wallin, Margeret Watson, Barbara and Bob Moon
  • 1993  Ginny Bates, Ellie Carberry, Ed Dickinson, Mae Findlay, Fran Goodwin, Don Lloyd, Esther Martin, Teny Nahabedian, Pam Parrott, Wilhelmina Pilger, Helen and Scott Sargent, Florence Sulham, Pat Swennes, Ted and Barbara Wallis
  • 1992  Norma Brogan, Eunice Duffill, Herbert Duffill, Carollee Ferris, Mary Anne Hawkins, Tom Lee, Robert S. Ludwig, Nancy McReel, Betty Putnam, Joanne Rhines
  • 1991  David Crouthamel, Hannah Crouthamel, Sandra Grady, Barbara Perry, Peg Smith, Tin Smith, Bill Spaulding, Ray Stansfield, Barbara Williams

Special Recognition

This expression of appreciation is conferred on those whose contributions do not easily fit the categories established above.

  • 2008  Beach Profiling Teams
  • 2006  Charlie Rimmer, Elaine Carlson
  • 2005  Monica Meenan
  • 2003  Bob Domine, Peter Hersey, Durward Parkinson

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