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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Patriot's Day Storm is No Picnic

Posted by | April 17, 2007

Tree damage after 2007 Patriot's Day stormThe Wells Reserve weathered the Patriot's Day storm rather well. Manager Paul Dest reports these effects:

  • Some minor flooding in the Visitor Center basement
  • A window blew out at northeast gable end of the barn, causing water to filter down to the hallway
  • Leakage from the windows in the raised monitor above the auditorium caused vernal-pool-like puddles on the floor. We lost heat in the barn/auditorium
  • At the beach, the dune has eroded back some more and our stairway went out to sea. The wooden walkway has been closed, though the beach is still accessible via a storm-created cobble path. The approach to the beach from the dune is now very gradual.
  • The tide-gate at Drakes Island seems to be functioning as intended, shutting down in response to the excessively high tides and water.
  • Some branches and limbs are down, but not too many considering the high winds.
  • At high tide, a steady stream of water flowed over the Barrier Beach Trail from the Little River marsh to the Webhannet River marsh. For two tides yesterday, that area was one big estuary.