The Wells Reserve weathered the Patriot's Day storm rather well. Manager Paul Dest reports these effects:
Some minor flooding in the Visitor Center basement
A window blew out at northeast gable end of the barn, causing water to filter down to the hallway
Leakage from the windows in the raised monitor above the auditorium caused vernal-pool-like puddles on the floor. We lost heat in the barn/auditorium
At the beach, the dune has eroded back some more and our stairway went out to sea. The wooden walkway has been closed, though the beach is still accessible via a storm-created cobble path. The approach to the beach from the dune is now very gradual.
The tide-gate at Drakes Island seems to be functioning as intended, shutting down in response to the excessively high tides and water.
Some branches and limbs are down, but not too many considering the high winds.
At high tide, a steady stream of water flowed over the Barrier Beach Trail from the Little River marsh to the Webhannet River marsh. For two tides yesterday, that area was one big estuary.