The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wells Reserve has lines and a cart of a different sort on Black Friday
Leaf peeping isn't only about looking up. See the stories at your feet.
Dismal weather did not dampen spirits at the 15th annual Punkinfiddle Family Festival and National Estuaries Day celebration!
The thirtieth annual Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival was a record-breaker and an art-filled, volunteer-fueled celebration.
This low-growing perennial tolerates a range of conditions and provides nectar from late summer through early fall.
Getting hundreds of cars parked in an hour is no small feat. Our volunteers were up to the task on a record-breaking Saturday.
Monarch Rescue 2017 saves more monarchs than ever
Piping plovers start four nests on Laudholm Beach in 2017, but only one is successful.
Clethra alnifolia is easy to grow, beautiful all season, tough, and a big attractor of pollinators. Plant it in your garden to help our native bees.
Green crabs appear to have the potential to maintain their populations and continue spreading as an invasive species, even as southern Maine's coastal waters become warmer and more acidic.