The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
He stands athwart history, yelling: what the heck is happening?!
Will you answer the coyote's call this howl-day season?
Taking solace from "the peace of wild things"
What kind of petty, horrible person would ever contemplate spitting on a captive animal? A defenseless mammal, already a prisoner, subject to further humiliation?
A walk in the woods is also a meditation on the cycle of life
A twisted trunk with a tale to tell
A simple wind shift can make all the differencein air quality, in temperature, in seawater, in politics.
People write to tell us why they love the Wells Reserve at Laudholm.
"Happy" Indigenous Peoples Day? Not just yet.
Given the choice between destruction and creation, why do we ever choose the former, when we could invest in the latter? Make art, not war.