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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Climate Stewards Lecture Series

Posted by | February 20, 2013

We're inviting experts on climate literacy, climate politics, and practical solutions to climate-change challenges to Mather Auditorium for a series of thought-provoking and action-inspiring lectures. Please plan to join us  and bring along a friend. Follow the links below for details on each lecture.

2013 Climate Stewards Lectures

  • Reducing Your Fossil Fuel Use (March 12)  Learn how to choose among the multitude of "green" options that the average consumer and small business owner encounters every day.
  • Solar Energy for Your Home (April 3)  Learn how how much a solar hot water or solar electric system costs, what you can expect for a return on your investment, what incentives are available for solar energy systems, and how these systems perform in our Northeast climate.
  • Crisis and Opportunity in the Environmental Century (May 13)  Learn how humanitys response to climate change and the resultant ecological crises will define the future world economy, and will be the ultimate test of our adaptability as a species.
  • Additional lectures are planned for later in 2013. Keep checking our calendar or sign up for our Monthly Updates to get the latest information.

Funding for this lecture series is provided by the NOAA Climate Stewards Education Project.