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Climate Stewards Lecture Series

Since the Climate Stewards Lecture Series began in 2013, over 60 different speakers have visited Mather Auditorium (or presented virtually via Zoom) to discuss the causes and consequences of climate change and how society and individuals might act to counter its effects. The originating idea for the series was "If community members develop a greater knowledge and understanding of climate science, then they will appreciate the impact of their choices more, reduce their carbon footprints, and become more impassioned stewards of the planet."


Financial support for the Ted Exford Climate Stewards Lecture Series has come from:

  • NOAA Climate Stewards (now Planet Stewards) Education Project (2013-2014)
  • David and Loretta (Exford) Hoglund (2015-present)



"The Human Dimensions of Offshore Wind" with Dr. Jessica Reilly-Moman, Director of the Center for Climate and Community at Island Institute (January) | Watch on YouTube

"Protecting Infrastructure from Storm Surge and Floods" with Rob Kibler, Vice President of Engineering for Rodney Hunt (March)


"Planning for Climate Migration--New Jar, Old Wine?" with Linda Shi, Assistant Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell University (April) | Watch on YouTube

"The Maine Six: How Six Pet Dogs Learned to Hunt Invasive Species" with Melissa McCue-McGrath, author, international speaker, and dog trainer (October)

"Ghost Moose and Vampires - A Macabre New England Tale" with Dr. Peter Pekins, Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of New Hampshire (November)

"What Causes Acidification in Estuaries and Coastal Waters, and How Does Climate Change Play a Role?" with Chris Hunt, Research Assistant Professor in the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS) at the University of New Hampshire (November)

"Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms Along the Coast of Maine" with Peter Slovinsky, Marine Geologist with the Maine Geological Survey (December) | Watch on YouTube


"How the Personalities of Small Mammals Shape the Growth of Forests" with Maisie Merz, second year PhD student at the University of Maine (February)

"Maine Won't Wait: A Climate Action Update" with Kathleen Meil, Director of Policy and Partnerships at Maine Conservation Voters (February) | Watch on YouTube

"How to Be a Solutionary" with Zoe Weil, President of the Institute for Humane Education (March) | Watch on YouTube

"Understanding the Wildlife and Marine Impacts of Offshore Wind" with Dr. Damian Brady, Associate Professor of Oceanography at the University of Maine (May) | Watch on YouTube

"Solutions to the Climate Crisis" with David Kunhardt, Citizens Climate Lobby volunteer (June)

"The Children's Eternal Rainforest and Other Forests Saved by Children" with Lynne Cherry, author & illustrator & filmmaker (July)

"The Climate Benefits of Healthy Salt Marshes" with Dr. Bev Johnson, Charles A Dana Professor of Earth and Climate Sciences at Bates College (September)

"A Tale of Three Estuaries: An Emerging Story of Lobsters and Range-Expanding Species in the Gulf of Maine" with Helen Cheng, Ph.D. Candidate at Northeastern University and Margaret A. Davidson
Graduate Fellow hosted at Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (December) | Watch on YouTube


"Finding Hope in the Face of Climate Change" with Sue Inches, author of Advocating for the Environment, How to Gather Your Power and Take Action (March) | Watch on YouTube

"Coastal Archaeology and Climate Change in the 21st Century" with Dr. Arthur Anderson, assistant teaching professor at the University of New England (May)

"Science Communication Through Art" with Jill Pelto, artist and scientist (June) | Watch on YouTube

"Teaching Climate Change with Solutions and Hope" with Lynne Cherry, author, illustrator, and filmmaker (July)

"Green Newton" with Marcia Cooper, president of Green Newton (September)| Watch on YouTube

"Community Resilience Partnership Project" with Sinet Kroch and Deb Paredes, The Nature Conservancy Changemakers Residents (October)


"The Imperative of Ethical Change through Climate Change" with Dr. Don Beith, professor of environmental philosophy at the University of Maine (April) | Watch on YouTube

"Tides, Taxes, and New Tactics: Engaging the Towns of Kennebunk, Wells, and York in the Economic and Social Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge" with Annie Cox, the Wells Reserve's Coastal Training Coordinator (May) | Watch on YouTube

"Monitoring Regional-Scale Landscape Change: Examples from Iceland and Greenland" with Dr. Firooza Pavri, director of the Muskie School of Public Service and professor of geography at the University of Southern Maine ( June) | Watch on YouTube

"Broadening Participation to Build Resilience" with Jessica Brunacini, the Wells Reserve's Margaret A. Davidson Graduate Fellow (July) | Watch on YouTube

"Adapting to Climate Change in Small Island Developing States" with Dr. Stacy-ann Robinson, professor of environmental studies at Colby College (August)

"Lobsters and Climate Change in the Gulf of Maine" with Dr. Jason Goldstein, Wells Reserve Research Director (September) |Watch on YouTube


"Hurricanes in Maine: Past, Present, and Future" with Dr. Kerry Emanuel, Cecil and Ida Green professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (June) | Watch on YouTube

"Coastal Distancing" or "Community Relocation as an Adaptation to Ecological Degradation: Lessons Learned from the Fiji Islands" with Dr. Amanda Bertana, assistant professor of sociology at Southern Connecticut State University (July) | Watch on YouTube

"A Mussels View of Climate Change: How Do Intertidal Organisms Experience Their Shifting World?" with Dr. Brian Helmuth, professor at the Marine Science Center at Northeastern University, with appointments in the Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences and the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs (August) | Watch on YouTube

"Responding to Our Changing Climate" with Dr. Andrew Pershing, chief science officer at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (September) | Watch on YouTube


"The All-Electric Household" with Chris Jones, systems design specialist with ReVision Energy (April)

Ghost Moose and Vampires: A Macabre New England Tale with Dr. Peter Pekins, professor of wildlife ecology at the University of New Hampshire (May)

The Worlds Oceans, the IPCC, and Me with Dr. Nathan Bindoff, professor of physical oceanography at the University of Tasmania (May)

Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreaus Woods with Dr. Richard Primack, professor of wildlife ecology at Boston University (June) | Watch on YouTube

"Sustainable Seafood" with Kyle Foley, sustainable seafood brand manager at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (July)

"The Rise of Kelp Farming in Maine" with James Crimp, supply chain manager for Ocean Approved (August)


"Drowning with Others: Sea Level Rise & Maines Seabird Islands" with Dr. John Anderson, professor of ecology/natural history at College of the Atlantic (May)

"Photographing Climate Change: Images and Conversations" with Greta Rybus, photojournalist (June)

"Lost to the Sea: Maine Ancient Coastal Heritage" with Dr. Alice R. Kelley, geoarchaeologist at the University of Maine (July)

"Down to Earth: Climate Justice Stories" with Anne D. (Andy) Burt, film producer (September)


"Solar 101" with Jennifer Hatch, marketing manager at ReVision Energy (April)

"Patterns of Spring Arrival of Maine Migratory Breeding Birds" with Dr. Herb Wilson, professor of biosciences at Colby College (May) | Watch on YouTube

"Maines Climate Future: What Do We Do Now?" with Dr. Ivan J. Fernandez, professor at the University of Maine (June)

"Ecosystem Forecasting in a Changing Climate" with Dr. Nick Record, senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (July)

"Climate Change in New England: From Science to Solutions" with Dr. Cameron Wake, University of New Hampshire (August)

"Preparing for Sea Level Rise in Maine" with Gayle Bowness, science education program manager at Gulf of Maine Research Institute (September)


"WindowDressers: Build Community, Save Money" with Dianne Smith, community activist (May)

"Ocean's EndCrisis in the World's Seas and the Gulf of Maine" with Colin Woodard, author and journalist (June) | Watch on YouTube

Seeing Climate ChangeDisrupting Nature's Clock with Dr. Abe Miller-Rushing, science coordinator at Acadia National Park (July)

Flooding on New Englands Rivers and Coasts with David Vallee, hydrologist with the National Weather Service (August)

"Environmental Change in the High Arctic" with Dr. Mike Retelle, geologist at Bates College (September)


"Climate Change, Ocean Acidification, and Maines Fisheries" with Dr. Susie Arnold, marine scientist at the Island Institute (May)

"Solar Energy for Your Home" with Jennifer Hatch, marketing manager at ReVision Energy (June)

"Using Birds to Predict the Future of Tidal Marshes" with Dr. Brian Olsen, associate professor at the University of Maine (July)

"Climate Change and Seabirds: Lessons from Puffins" with Dr. Stephen Kress, director of the seabird restoration program at National Audubon Society (August)

"The Science of When Climate Science Doesnt Matter" with Dr. John M. Hagan, president of Manomet (September)


"Why the Arctic Matters" with Dr. Gordon Hamilton, professor of earth and climate science at the University of Maine (May)

"Time to Get Moving" with Allen Armstrong, volunteer with The Climate Reality Project (July)

"Tar Sands Invasion: Realities of Extreme Energy" with Sarah Kasprzak Lachance, Campaign Earth and 350 Maine (August)

"Journey into Climate" with Dr. Paul Mayewski, director of the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine (September) | Watch on YouTube


A Step by Step Guide for Reducing Your Fossil Fuel Use with Tom Twist, sustainability officer at the Chewonki Foundation (March)

Solar Energy for Your Home with Jennifer Hatch, ReVision Energy (April)

Crisis and Opportunity in the Environmental Century with Dr. Stephen Mulkey, president of Unity College (May)

"You, Your Food, and the Survival of the Planet" with Rep. Chellie Pingree, Maine Congresswoman; John Piotti, executive director of Maine Farmland Trust; and Mort Mather, founder of Laudholm Trust and former president of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (August)

"Keeping the Blue Skies 'Green': Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Vacation and Business Travel" with Amy Seif Hattan, corporate sustainability officer at Thornton Tomasetti (September)

"The Long Haul to Recover from Fossil Fuel Addiction" with Coleen O'Connell, Lesley University (October)

"Sustainable Heating to Save the Planet & Invigorate Our Community" with Pat Coon, Co-Founder of ReVision Heat (November)


To suggest speakers for the Climate Stewards Lecture Series, please contact education director Suzanne Kahn.

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