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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Member Testimonials 2010

Posted by | June 28, 2010

I appreciate all the effort by so many

Member Comment: After being a volunteerMember Comment: WNERR doing a terrific jobMember Comment: I am constantly amazedMember Comment: A wonderful place to visitMember Comment: a source of information and much pleasureMember Comment: A great place of beauty and knowledgeMember Comment: A Maine treasureMember Comment: Wish I lived closerMember Comment: I marvel at its beauty and what it offersMember Comment: A real highlightThank you for all that you have doneA wonderful reserveWe are thrilledCongratulations on the wonderful jobA truly magical placeLaudholm has been a part of our livesWe enjoy our visits and your talksThe reserve is one of the most beautiful placesSo sorry to hear of the passingPlease accept the enclosed check...Member Comment: You're going a great jobMember Comment: An amazing placeMember Comment: I absolutely love the work you are doingMember Comment: What a wonderful placeMember Comment: Laudholm is the bestMember Comment: Keep up the great workMember Comment: One of the most beautiful places on earthMember Comment: not only a place of solaceMember Comment: Marveled marveled marveledMember Comment: Our grandkids love to comeMember Comment: Very peaceful