The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
Dr. Michele Dionne, the Wells Reserve research director, has been awarded the 2008 NERRS/NERRA Award, which recognizes people who have made significant contributions to the mission of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System.
The citation of Michele's accomplishments stated:
Among her notable achievements was the establishment of monitoring protocols for restoration projects in the region, and the establishment of the Coastal Mosaic Project, which encouraged local land trusts and watershed groups to collaborate and form partnerships, resulting in more land conservation in a watershed context.
Dr. Dionne has authored or co-authored more than 50 papers and reports on her estuarine and coastal research and has served on regional and national task forces and research committees. She has also served on advisory committees for 12 master's degree students and seven doctoral students, and she regularly mentors undergraduate and graduate students who intern with her at the reserve.
She also has been very active in advancing system-wide science, stewardship and education programs, and she was a major force behind the establishment of the system's Restoration Science Initiative. She also has been a long-time advocate of using reserve sites as centers for research on climate change and sea level rise.
Congratulations, Michele!