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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Why "The Wrack"? In its cycles of ebb and flow, the sea transports a melange of weed, shell, bone, feather, wood, rope, and trash from place to place, then deposits it at the furthest reach of spent surf. This former flotsam is full of interesting stuff for anybody who cares to kneel and take a look. Now and then, the line of wrack reveals a treasure.

  • Blog Post from a New England Office

    | January 15, 2013 | Filed under: Opinion

    Let 2013 be a year marked not by continued division and hot air, but by common ground and cooler heads.

  • On the Road to Award Prizes

    | January 14, 2013

    Congratulations, Nick PratoLast week, I drove with Karrie Schwaab (Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge) to Yarmouth, Castine, and Holden to deliver the iPad, digital camera, binoculars, and bookstore gift certificate to the top four prize winners in our Silent Spring essay contest. Honorable mention students were also recognized with copies of Silent Spring, and all of the seventh graders who participated in the contest were awarded certificates of achievement.

  • Naked Shrubs Participants Learn Lots!

    | January 14, 2013
    On Saturday, the Wells Reserve and New England Wild Flower Society partnered to offer a "Naked Shrubs" workshop with naturalist Boot Boutwell. Participants hailed from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine to learn how to identify 15-20 species of shrubs in winter. Following a slideshow and overview of identification terminology, the group hit the snow-covered trail to observe shrubs up close. …
  • Winning entries in the Silent Spring essay contest

    | January 9, 2013 | Filed under: Opinion

    Here are the top-ranked essays submitted by the winners of the 50th anniversary Silent Spring essay contest. Thank you to these and the other 257 Maine seventh graders who submitted essays.

  • Turning Down the Heat

    | January 3, 2013

    Water tower in winterThe Wells Reserve at Laudholm is special. Not a day passes that we dont think of this unique place as a gift to those of us who work here, to the wildlife that abounds here, to the coast of Maine and to the international community of estuaries, and of course to our members and to the public.

    Because so much of our operating support comes from our members and donors, we believe it is in the best service to you and your gifts that we operate as efficiently and effectively as possible.

  • Silent Spring Essay Contest Results

    | January 2, 2013

    The response to the Silent Spring Essay Contest, offered in partnership with Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, was overwhelmingly positive. A total of 24 schools and 257 seventh grade students across the state participated. The deadline for submission was December 1, and the Reserve's Education Advisory Committee immediately got to work reading and scoring each essay. What quickly became apparent to the 17 reviewers was the widespread writing talent and environmental awareness among seventh grade students in Maine! So much so, that the Committee created an additional prize-winning category of "honorable mention" for students who did not win the top four prizes, but stood out from the larger pool of applicants with their exceptional essays. Following are the contest winners:

  • Dear Santas

    | December 17, 2012 | Filed under: Opinion

    Strangely for a New England farmhouse in the holiday season, the windows in this picture are mostly dark. I'll explain why at the end of this post.

  • Chris Feurt, Wells Reserve Training Coordinator, Receives National Honor

    | December 13, 2012 | Filed under: News

    Dr. Christine B. Feurt, coordinator of the Coastal Training Program at the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR), was presented with the 2012 NERR System and NERR Association Award at the annual NERRS/NERRA meeting held in West Virginia in November. The award is given annually to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the reserve system.

  • Wassailing for Wildlife

    | December 12, 2012

    Karen wears her wolf hatLast night's Wassailing for Wildlife program brought children and adults alike out onto the Reserve's trails for a festive evening of caroling. Participants met indoors to enjoy holiday treats, and then wrote wishes for wildlife to hang on the Reserve's Christmas tree. Several participants even dressed in costume as wolves, an otter, and a polar bear!

    Karen Stathoplos, Laudholm Trust Finance Coordinator and professional singer/actor, led the group in song& all the way to Laudholm Beach! It was a beautiful night, especially at twilight with the sunset's colors illuminating the trees.

  • Festive Function for Volunteers

    | December 11, 2012

    We held our annual meeting, volunteer recognition, and holiday party together this year, packing Mather Auditorium with good stories, tasty treats, and merriment on December 5. Here are just a few of the highlights and people who took part&
