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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Why "The Wrack"? In its cycles of ebb and flow, the sea transports a melange of weed, shell, bone, feather, wood, rope, and trash from place to place, then deposits it at the furthest reach of spent surf. This former flotsam is full of interesting stuff for anybody who cares to kneel and take a look. Now and then, the line of wrack reveals a treasure.

  • Wells Reserve plans unique approach to harvesting trees

    | July 25, 2012 | Filed under: News

    WELLS, Maine, July 25, 2012  A 34-acre woodlot in Wells is seen as a testing ground for managing timber for long-term gain while maintaining its value for wildlife, clean water, and recreation. The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve will complete a partial harvest of its Yankee Woodlot this fall while hosting a series of four workshops that will encourage participants to get involved in the process.

  • New Summer Guided Tours are a hit!

    Wells Reserve Contributor | July 21, 2012

    This summer the Wells Reserve's Interpretive Education Associate, Paige Rutherford, revamped and restructured the Guided Tours program for the season. Paige prepared all the docent training materials, organized outlines, templates, scripts, and resources, and held training sessions in late June.

    The newly trained volunteers will be leading History of a Saltwater Farm, Life Between the Tides, Secrets of the Salt Marsh, and Nature Walk tours as well as other guided tours throughout the summer!

  • Junior Researchers Week 1: Wildlife Defenders!

    Wells Reserve Contributor | July 17, 2012

    Shaza and I were really excited about our first week long camp!

    The campers arrived and moved into their new classroom for the week in the barn.?We started out by determining what a researcher was and talking about the different types of research we would do throughout the week. Each camper got their own research journal to record and draw their data and discoveries throughout the week. Each day started with a weather log and then proceeded into the specific habitat for the day.

  • Charles Lord Shares Farm Stories

    | July 13, 2012 | Filed under: Program Activities

    The facilities manager and caretaker of the Wells Reserve is also a member of the family that purchased the farm in 1881. Charles Lord is moving to Germany, so I joined his last history program of the season.

  • Team Larval Fish at the Wells Reserve

    Wells Reserve Contributor | July 2, 2012 | Filed under: Observations

    Fellow Research Intern Tim Dubay and I have been working with Jeremy Miller this summer to expand the Wells Reserves ongoing larval fish project. We're "Team Larval Fish!"

  • Post-restoration Monitoring in Shoreys Brook continued...

    | June 29, 2012

    The Shoreys Brook dam came out in November 2011, and since then the brook has been steadily carving its way through the sediment that has collected for over a century in the impoundment. Vegetation is starting to take hold in places, but it will be a few years before it begins to look like anything but a large mud pit. As old sediment flushes away, older substrates begin to emerge along the stream bottom, showing signs of what the brook once looked like. Gravel, cobble stones, and even boulders can now be seen littering the stream, which is a positive sign for the restoration team. Rainbow smelt are looking for just this type of stream bottom to lay their eggs on in the early spring.

  • Four new Registered Maine Guides in Sea Kayaking

    Wells Reserve Contributor | June 21, 2012

    A big congratulations to Stephanie, Suzanne, Sue, and Nancy for passing the Registered Maine Guide Sea Kayak exam. Maine is one of the few states that requires outdoor guides to be licensed to maintain a quality of outdoor recreation for visitors, as well as to protect our natural resources when visiting wild spaces. It is one of the most difficult guide exams to pass. Usually, half of the people taking the test fail on their first try. Not these ladies! They will continue to hone their guide skills this summer during our kayaking programs.

  • Protecting Watersheds Leads to Economic Growth

    Wells Reserve Contributor | June 21, 2012

    Have you ever wondered what watershed conservation is all about?? Do you often consider where the water in your local river travels, and how its care affects your community and others down the river?? Here at the Wells Reserve we work with watershed conservation on a day-to-day basis.? Watersheds are areas of land which share a common featureall water that flows above or underground drains to the same place.? The Saco River watershed connects diverse areas such as North Conway, NH, and Biddeford, ME.? The lives of the people who live within these areas are affected by the healthconservationof their watershed.

  • Winged Wednesday XXV: Salt Marsh

    | June 20, 2012

    I was out on the salt marsh this morning  the sun-baked, no-shade Little River marsh  to learn a bit about Jenn Dijkstra's research and couldn't help but notice a number of winged creatures. The mosquitoes weren't too bad (they were worse in the woods on the walk down), but as soon as I reached the research transect an early green-headed horse fly sortied to my left shin. The menacing tabanid maneuvered around my counter-strikes, making several quick attacks before succumbing to an overwhelming force. I usually think of greenheads as a July annoyance, so I was unpleasantly surprised to have to battle this one.

  • Wildflowers Abound!

    | June 19, 2012 | Filed under: Program Activities

    Fourteen enthusiastic participants traversed field, forest, and bog to discover late spring wildflowers.