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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Why "The Wrack"? In its cycles of ebb and flow, the sea transports a melange of weed, shell, bone, feather, wood, rope, and trash from place to place, then deposits it at the furthest reach of spent surf. This former flotsam is full of interesting stuff for anybody who cares to kneel and take a look. Now and then, the line of wrack reveals a treasure.

  • One Million Dollars

    | January 1, 1982
    This wish goes back a ways. Laudholm Trust's first president requested it, and followed up once or twice in letters to members. The Trust deeply appreciates all of its many kind donors  some of whom have been very generous  but we have yet to receive a million dollars "in one clump" (as bookkeeper Karen might say).…