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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Photos from Winter Wildlife Day

Posted by | February 28, 2011

It was standing room only at the first live animal presentation during last Thursday's Winter Wildlife Day. Here's a look around the auditorium, where the Center for Wildlife, York County Audubon, and the Wells Reserve teamed up for a successful event.

  1. Albino porcupine captures attention
  2. Barred Owl and a good crowd
  3. Red-tailed Hawk and Kristen from the Center for Wildlife
  4. Bob from York County Audubon helps with pretend binoculars

Albino porcupine captures attentionBarred owl and a good crowdRed-tailed Hawk and Kristen from the Center for WildlifeBob from York County Audubon helps with pretend binoculars