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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Posts tagged center for wildlife

  • Taking Care of a Bird in Need

    | November 2, 2018 | Filed under: Culture

    A finch is rescued by Reserve staff and rehabilitated by Center for Wildlife!

  • Education to the Rescue!

    Wells Reserve Contributor | January 28, 2014

    On December 16th, Suzanne called my office from her car on Laudholm Farm Road to alert me that she had spotted a Canada goose who seemed to be acting strange. The goose had been on or near the road as Suzanne drove by, and when she did it flew into the air, seemed to hesitate as another car approached, and then landed in a bush. When I arrived, the goose remained very still in the bush, only moving?to peer at us cautiously. After a call to the Center for Wildlife in Cape Neddick, we decided the goose's behavior was suspect enough to bring her in to the experts.

  • Winter Wildlife Day #3

    | February 22, 2013

    Owl on faceWells Reserve, Center for Wildlife, and York County Audubon Society partnered yesterday to offer the third annual Winter Wildlife Day, and 150 people attended! Activities included live animal presentations with non-releasable wildlife ambassadors, tracking walks, face painting, and the creation of plaster track casts, owl window decorations to prevent bird strikes, and binoculars. Snowshoes were available to use on the trails, and hot cocoa greeted visitors when they returned from the outdoors. It was a bustling day with lots of smiling faces!

  • Winter Wildlife Day 2

    | February 24, 2012

    The crowd enjoys a great horned owl from the Center for WildlifeHere are a few images from the second Winter Wildlife Day, held during school vacation week with help from York County Audubon and the Center for Wildlife. Despite the lack of snow, folks had a good time. The rain showers seemed to arrive when everyone was inside for presentations and the sun came out when it was time for the trail walks.

  • Albino porcupine and friend spotted along trails

    Wells Reserve Contributor | February 3, 2012 | Filed under: Observations

    A quick lunch-time trail hike turned into an exciting wildlife tracking adventure.

  • Center for Wildlife Visit

    | August 23, 2011
    Last week, the Center for Wildlife made their?final visit of the summer to the Wells Reserve. Members of the public (including Talia Kremser, the photographer for this blog entry)?who came to this "Nocturnal Mammals" program were treated to up-close encounters with several non-releasable rescued animal ambassadors. First, Edna the albino porcupine stole the hearts of the audience. She climbed up her crate, …
  • Photos from Winter Wildlife Day

    | February 28, 2011

    It was standing room only at the first live animal presentation during last Thursday's Winter Wildlife Day. Here's a look around the auditorium, where the Center for Wildlife, York County Audubon, and the Wells Reserve teamed up for a successful event.