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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Reserve Receives The Wildlife Society's Conservation Education Award

Posted by | April 23, 2019 | Filed under: News

The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve was awarded the Conservation Education Award by The Wildlife Society at its 25th annual conference held in Cleveland, Ohio, last October. The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments that effectively convey sound conservation concepts to the public.

The award came out of the blue for Education Director Suzanne Kahn. She learned that Maine resident Tammy Cloutier nominated the reserve for the award, citing our trail system and great variety of education programs, appealing to all ages, that emphasize the importance of a healthy environment and planet.

The Wildlife Society's 2018 Conservation Education Award to the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve for Summer Camp programs.

The Wildlife Society is an international organization founded in 1937 and committed to addressing issues that affect the current and future status of wildlife in North America and throughout the world. It has nearly 10,000 members.

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