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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Say It With Us: I Heart Estuaries

Posted by | February 11, 2014 | Filed under: Opinion

[ Note: This post is from 2014. Numbers change but the urgency to speak up on behalf of estuaries never diminishes. ]

I Heart Estuaries imageOn February 12, 13, and 14 raise your voice on behalf of estuaries. Join our #iheartestuaries campaign to reach Congress with a simple message: "I love estuaries and this is why…"

Let your legislators know you want the NERR System funded at current levels in FY 2015. Here's how:

  • Telephone, email, or tweet Maine's federal legislators.
  • Share the "I Heart Estuaries" campaign on your favorite social media outlet(s).
  • Write a cordial, concise note to each of Maine's federal legislators and put it in the mail. Use a postcard, letterhead, nice stationery, or a Valentine's card. Feel free to use the templates below to get started.
  • Ask your friends and family to get involved, too.

And please keep us in the loop! Mention Wells Reserve at Laudholm in your Facebook posts, include @wellsreserve in your tweets and Instagram photos, or let us know you've written a letter.

Thanks in advance and Happy Valentine's Day.

The Honorable Susan Collins (letter template)
160 Main Street
Biddeford ME 04005
Tweet @SenatorCollins

The Honorable Angus King (letter template)
227 Main Street
Biddeford ME 04005
Tweet @SenAngusKing

The Honorable Chellie Pingree (letter template)
2 Portland Fish Pier, Suite 304
Portland ME 04101
Tweet @chelliepingree