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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Solstice at the Summit

Posted by Wells Reserve Contributor | June 23, 2011

To celebrate the summer season, natural resource outreach leaders held a meeting atop Mt. Agamenticus on the first day of summer, June 21st. Mt. Agamenticus covers about 30,000 acres in Southern Maine and proved to be the perfect meeting place to discuss the watersheds of the area. Subjects such as riparian buffers, sustainable development, and water health were?discussed?in the learning lodge on top of the small mountain. Ideas were shared and traded such as concept mapping. Concept mapping is starting with an idea, such as healthy water, and then branching?connected?ideas from that main subject. It is a unique activity that shows how others may think. What comes to your mind first when you think of a healthy watershed?

Annie Cox explaining her concept mapThe learning lodge atop Mt. Agamenticus

Top: Annie Cox explains her concept map of a healthy watershed.

Bottom: The learning lodge atop Mt. Agamenticus