The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
We have 19 native goldenrod species in Maine, but they're not to blame for itchy eyes and runny noses. The real culprit is ragweed, which blooms at the same time and is pollinated by wind.
The following was published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Sunday edition, 8/7/2016, and?Making It At Home's 8/11/2016 issue.
The orange ruffles hadnt been there last week, but now they were impossible to miss. Overnight, it seemed, a chicken-of-the-woods had returned to roost on the old oak stump in our yard.
The Reserve's annual late summer effort to save monarch eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalises from the mowers that cut our fields happened last week. The mowing is essential in preventing the fields from growing into forests over time, and also as a management strategy for invasive species.
Thanks so much to the eleven volunteers who spent several hours in the warm sunshine combing the ubiquitous milkweed plants for signs of monarchs! We saved 38 caterpillars of all sizes, removing them from the fields that will be mowed within the coming weeks to fields that will not be mowed this year. The smallest of the caterpillars measured less than one inch in length, whereas the largest were several inches long. A handful of monarch butterflies were spotted fluttering over the fields during the rescue mission, providing hope that some of the rescued caterpillars will also reach adulthood.
He was in Mather Auditorium to talk about Maine's pioneering amateur botanist, Catherine Furbish, but Dick Eaton hadn't even begun his remarks before Nancy Viehmann snuck into the room with a surprise cake. Dick was humbled by the public recognition of his 89th birthday, but quickly recovered. "I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to present to you today."
Last week, a group of sixteen devoted volunteers set to work to rescue the eggs and caterpillars of the Monarch Butterfly. Within the next week or two, many of the fields at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm will be mowed.?Annual mowing of select fields is necessary?to prevent important field habitat from growing up into forests, and to combat the spread of invasive species. The mowing is done in late summer, after field nesting birds like the Bobolink?have finished rearing their young.